
  1. AlexB23

    Voyager 1 transmitting data again after NASA remotely fixes 46-year-old probe

    So, @essentialsaltes posted a few months ago how the Voyager 1 probe had a computer issue. Now, that issue has been fixed. Seems that the old probe just wants to keep on trucking. And yes, the 22 hours 30 minutes it takes for a signal to reach Voyager 1 are converted into days (0.94 days) for...
  2. JohnEmmett

    Cause of Heat Wave "We've never seen anything like it," said Luis Millán, an atmospheric scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California
  3. SummerMadness

    'Forgotten Astronaut' Michael Collins Dies

    'Forgotten Astronaut' Michael Collins Dies
  4. JohnEmmett

    Venus Was Habitable "Venus may have had a shallow liquid-water ocean and habitable surface temperatures for up to 2 billion years of its early history, according to computer modeling of the planet’s ancient...
  5. Michael

    NASA safety panel calls for reviews after second Starliner software problem

    NASA safety panel calls for reviews after second Starliner software problem - I think Boeing needs some software engineers. :)
  6. Michael

    Nasa announces it's new fall fashion lineup of spacesuits. :)

  7. SummerMadness

    Nasa unveils new spacesuit for next Moon landing

    Nasa unveils new spacesuit for next Moon landing
  8. Michael

    SpaceX Could Launch NASA Astronauts Into Space in Early 2020

    SpaceX Could Launch NASA Astronauts Into Space in Early 2020 After the explosive loss of their previous capsule, the "testing" process will probably be extensive, but it looks like SpaceX is on track to start launching astronauts in 2020.
  9. Radrook

    How Far are we from Building a Space Elevator?

    The Space Elevator would deliver supplies straight to the ISS without have to use those chemical rockets ad would save money in the long run. Just wonder whether this is really a goal we should be striving for. Audacious & Outrageous: Space Elevators | Science Mission Directorate Space...
  10. Radrook

    Ceres our Closest Dwarf Planet

    Not much is said about an expedition to Ceres even though it is the closest Dwarf Planet to Earth. Here are a few interesting facts about this dwarf planet. Ceres diameter is approximately 945 kilometers (587 miles) which is approx. the diameter of Texas. Its surface area is that of india's...
  11. Radrook

    Trump Wants NASA to Visit Jupiter's Moon Europa!

    Now we are cooking with gasoline! Man! This is a great time to be alive! I mean, why the moon when we can reach for the stars! Go for it Donald! Heh! Heh! FORGET MARS, TRUMP WANTS NASA TO VISIT JUPITER’S MOON EUROPA AND EXPLORE THE SOLAR SYSTEM The Inquisitr
  12. Radrook

    Space Propulsion System of the Near Future

    This is the propulsion system of the near future which can reduce the time taken to reach Mars to thirty-nine days. Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR). NASA - Propulsion Systems of the Future
  13. CodyFaith

    24/7 Stream of Earth from space, courtesy of NASA

    :) :earthasiaaus::fullmoonface::blacksunrays::heart: