mortal sin

  1. mrschavez2124

    Question about Sin

    So if someone had resolved to sin, that is to make a choice to turn from God by willfully deciding to do something against his will, and then before actually sinning, realizes that they do not want to do that sin and repents from it... is that still considered a sin? If so, is that a mortal sin...
  2. zippy2006

    Mortal Sin: Yea or Nay?

    What do you think of the doctrine of mortal sin? This doctrine is often associated with Catholicism and says that some sins are so grievous as to require a special form of repentance or reparation. According to the doctrine, these sins, when done with freedom and knowledge, place one outside...
  3. T

    Was it a mortal sin? Or arousal? Plus another question

    I've been battling terrible sexual urges know...touch and look at porn. It started after a horrifying incident when I was younger where I stumbled on an immoral image and could never stop thinking about it and soon it became an obsession. I have been slowly pulling away from these...
  4. J

    *Catholics Only* An irritating subject...

    Ironically enough, I get rather irritated when asking about the sin of anger, mainly because I have a hard time getting an objective answer. And in case anyone is wondering, I have for the most calmed down from my anger issues earlier, but I still haven't fully recovered. Anyways, I really want...
  5. J

    Catholic prayer request: Blockages to confession!

    Guys, this has been happening quite a bit now, and I’m starting to get really concerned. I’ll fall into mortal sin and head to confession only to find it cancelled or postponed. I have sinned mortally, and am now at my more reverent and have just learned that the priest isn’t here. I’m going to...
  6. J

    (Catholics Only) I’m having difficulty praying!

    (Please note Protestants are allowed to pray silently as well) I’m in a really, really dark place right now. For long time I have been struggling with someone who reminds of someone from my childhood, yesterday things took a turn for the worst and several really angry thoughts regarding that...
  7. J


    Just when I finished college project, I fall into a huge disaster, well actually, I was sort of in it from yesterday, let me explain. Yesterday day morning, I fell into mortal sin and was in a state of mortal sin for the whole day. This evening, as I went to bed late at night and fell into...
  8. J

    I need some prayers

    I need a bit of help, this morning I was tempted and nearly fell into mortal sin several times. Throughout the day I struggled with angry thoughts, and have been bombarded with angry memories. Today is really rough because, I don't have many opportunities to pray my chaplets and I have to spend...
  9. J

    I'm spiritually dead again!

    I've had an episode of mortal sin this morning! Please pray that I make it to confession tomorrow, and confess my sins well with compunction and perfect contrition for them. Needless to say, I don't want to be in a state of mortal sin while flying, and considering where I'm flying to, well, that...
  10. J

    Being in a state of mortal sin sucks!

    Hey guys, I have another prayer request. I'm in a state in a state of mortal sin and confession isn't available until Thursday and, I just really need your prayers. Being in a state of mortal sin really sucks! I don't know if it's the loss of grace or just the loss of peace, but I'm really...
  11. J


    Apparently, I didn't learn from my RCIA disaster, because last night, I acted cowardly again! I was helping out someone on her blog, when this modernist made this very erroneous and damaging comment, I considered saying something, but decided to ignore it. It was not until late that it sunk in...
  12. J

    I've committed spiritual suicide!

    I've gravely offended God this morning! Please pray that I make it to confession this week, confess my sins well, with compunction and perfect contrition. And that I make a firm resolve to sin no more.