
  1. Q

    Does God want us to live in a patriarchal society ?

    Is that for God’s will or against it ?
  2. Q

    Is it wrong for a Dad to be a stay-at-home dad and have his wife work ?

    Is it wrong to be a homemaker as a Christian Dad and stay home and watch the kids and have the wife work.
  3. Q

    Is it a sin not be in love with your spouse ?

    If a person is married to a person that are not in love with are they in sin. Please support with scriptures
  4. Q

    Can a Christian relationship last long and happy when the couple has little to nothing in common with each other ?

    If the only thing they share in common is political views and Faith views can the relationship work good and well in the long run ?
  5. Q

    Should a Christian person date a person they are not sexually attracted to ?

    Christians date with the intentions of marriage so with that being said should a Christian person date a person they are not sexually attracted to even when they are celibate until marriage. Considering the person has good Godly qualities and they connect
  6. Q

    What is the point of marriage besides a family ?

    What is really the point of marriage besides having kids ?
  7. Q

    What is a woman role in a Godly marriage these days ?

    Besides caring for children what are they supposed to provide for the man they are with ? Companionship can only go so far with them since we cannot be vulnerable So honestly what is the role Biblical Scripture are appreciated
  8. Q

    Was she wrong for asking this question?

    I went on a date with another Christian women and out of the blue she asked me do I touch myself ? Im not masturbating but isn’t that too personal to be asking? Or is that a good question
  9. Q

    How should a Christian husband love his Christians wife ?

    Jesus said a man should love his wife as Jesus loved the church what does this verse mean ?
  10. Q

    When should a Christian man be in love with the woman he is with ?

    Should it be after marriage or months into the dating stage or when they are about ti get married?
  11. Q

    Can a Christian woman divorce her husband if he commits adultery ?

    The bible says if a woman commits adultery on her husband he’s free to divorce her is it the same the other way around ?
  12. Q

    Why women trust issues with men is taken seriously within the church but men trust issues with women are brushed off ?

    If a woman discusses her trust issues with men due to her experiences and what she has witnessed church members are more likely to comfort her and try to understand where she is coming from and get her Godly help. But if a man discusses the same about women he is most likely to be told he...
  13. Q

    Is it wrong for a Christian couple to get a prenuptial agreement before marriage ?

    Divorce unfortunately happens in and out the church should a Christian person protect their finances and get a prenup before marriage.
  14. Q

    Would you marry a woman who was a former stripper or X-rated star if she turned into a Christian ?

    If an attractive women that was a former sex-worker becomes a Christian woman would you date her and consider marriage with her ?
  15. Q

    Is it wrong for a Christian man to marry more than one women ?

    It’s not talked about as sin in the New Testament and a variety types different type of sins are discussed.
  16. L

    I need advice

    so my boyfriend and I have been dating for a year, we are now 18 & 20. I know he is the man I am going to marry and we are very committed to each other. My parents are very strict catholics who are 1000% against sex before marriage. I completely understand and agree that it should be saved...
  17. MrsSnowQueen1

    Looking for womens forum?

    Hello im new here im looking for a womens forum. Not sure where everything is at on this site but basically im looking for a godly mature female accountability/prayer partner to share my struggles with who believes in the power of the blood of Jesus and the holy spirit. Please pm me if you are...
  18. Miracleshappen

    Prayers ASAP please

    My parents are having a rough time again. Things go smoothly and then something small turns into something big. There was a one sided problem last night over nothing. Today I thought it was okay, I had been praying all night, every time I woke up, and then there was another issue. The one came...