
  1. Y

    Best Books for Conservative Christians

    Reading Suggestions about Fiction and non- fiction. Personally I would start with Tolkien, De Maistre, C.S. Lewis, Burke, Chateaubriand.... Other titles and ideas ?
  2. 2PhiloVoid

    Sorting Eschatological Literature

    Obviously, Eschatological/End Times issues are a concern to many of us who are Christians. But which sources on these issues are most pertinent, I wonder? Out of the following list of books on these issues, which of these in your view do you think I should keep and which ones should I ignore...
  3. Tom 1


    Has anyone read Orhan Pamuk's novel Snow? I haven't finished it yet, but the plot revolves around tensions between the secular, non secular moderate and fundamentalist religious groups in Turkish society. From what I've read so far there are parallels with the current political/social divide in...
  4. Eftsoon

    Christian Literature book group

    I'm wondering if anyone is interested in meeting online to discsuss Christian literature? I'm hoping to read a really broad range of authors. I'm pretty open to whatever works for eveyone concerned. For me, the important thing is that it all be spiritually nourishing and intellectually...
  5. SummerMadness

    IDOC Director On Book Removal: Lack Of Policy, Oversight At State Prisons

    IDOC Director On Book Removal: Lack Of Policy, Oversight At State Prisons
  6. Beorh

    Horror Literature & Film Forum

    I realize that many Christians think that Horror is not of God, but there are those of us who are forced to disagree even if we solely base our understanding on the book of Revelation. In the English language, during the latter part of the 18th century through about the middle of the 20th, a...
  7. afishamongmany

    After hearing Dylan's Nobel Lecture in Literature;

    “It doesn't matter what it means.”, seems to me a lowly view. A man may sublimely sing and to the party his talents bring But if his view is such a thing, It means to me he prizes not What is true and what he's got. ><> Does it matter?
  8. G

    For You Literary Sorts

    The newly founded Academy of Inventive Literature is inaugurating a literary journal and the founders are Orthodox. It grew out of literary workshops on an Orthodox blog. Technically it is not an Orthodox journal or even a Christian one, but all involved are Christians so far and there is a...
  9. DeerGlow

    My Four Tests

    They are tomorrow (Literature), Thursday (Government), Monday (Biology), and Wednesday (Macroeconomics). I will study but I am afraid for my short term sanity being locked in a cold white room with a test I have to focus on for several hours at a time. Please pray God will protect me from...