
  1. pen_and_poetry

    Advice for long-distance relationship

    edited for privacy.
  2. Termikile

    Hi, I'm fairly new to forums

    Hi, I am Termikile. I have never really used forums unless you count Reddit. I enjoy video production/streaming, fishing, cooking, and the outdoors overall. I am in a LDR with a girl from the Philippines. We've been together for over a year now too. I am also currently in school to become a...
  3. H

    Advice for meeting LDR boyfriend?

    Hi family, it’s my first post here and I would love some advice with my LDR :) my boyfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years. He was an exchange student from Asia in the city where I study in Europe. We met at church and had an instant connection, but we developed our friendship for...
  4. Joyfuliness

    Dating Long Distance help!

    So about a month ago, i dated a guy for about a week from a christian dating website. It was a long distance relationship. I really felt like we had chemistry and such, like it was easy to talk to him, and he was understanding and we had similar interests but then he rushed, for the first few...
  5. R

    He wanted the LDR and lost complete interest?

    After almost a week of NC, I am reeling from a short hopeful romance. We spent a month together before he had to move back home. I know the beginning is almost magical and sometimes after that the relationship falls apart (I have had only one previous serious relationship). He was the 1st man...