
  1. Citizen of the Kingdom

    God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

    Abraham was faithful to God in going to the land that God brought him to. Sarah, as grace, brought forth Isaac, as the promise to those who were not bound to the law. Isaac inherited the promise of the land without having to do anything but enjoy it. We also have inherited the promises of...
  2. BrotherJJ

    House of Judah - House of Israel

    Assyrian captivity of the House of Israel 740- 721 B.C. (2 Kings 15:29, 17:3-40, 18:11-12). This dispersion continued until 1948. The Lord has promised to reunited them with the House of Judah in the last days. Throughout scripture find: 2 houses, 2 kingdoms, 2 sticks, 2 nations, 2 families, 2...
  3. Jeff Wickham

    Jacob's Ladder: A Hidden Prophecy of Jesus and His Followers

    Jacob's dream about a ladder had two parts - the ladder itself, and God's promise about a seed. Both parts describe one another, and both parts are a prophecy about Jesus. Jesus was the ladder (John 1:50-51). Jesus was also the seed. Paul points out in Galatians 3:16 that this seed of Abraham...
  4. Rachel Rachel

    Thoughts on Rebekah and Jacob

    We often hear such negative things about Rebekah - about how she persuaded Jacob to trick Isaac into giving him Esau's blessing. But Jehovah told Rebekah that Jacob was to rule over Esau. (Genesis 25:23.) I think she was actually being obedient to God, or at least believed that she was. Also...
  5. Christian Gedge

    Jacob’s 70 Weeks

    No, not Daniel’s - Jacob’s 70 Weeks! I had this bought to my attention years ago when someone mentioned a repeating pattern of 490 years in the Old Testament. His dates were only approximate, but it seemed more than coincidental that three sets of ‘490’ fit nicely between Moses and Christ. I...
  6. WhoIsLikeGod?

    400 Years of Enslavement Contradiction

    Some believe a complete chronology from creation to present can be made using the Bible. I attempted to make such a chronology, but ran into a problem when I got to Jacob and his twelve sons. Using the genealogies of Adam and Shem found in the Book of Genesis, it's clear to see that it was 1880...
  7. lamb7

    Leah & Rachel a picture of Jews & Gentiles?

    I randomly thought about Leah and Rachel the other day and how Jacob wanted Rachel so bad but instead God had mercy on Leah and he married Leah and she bore him sons. UI see a picture of God's grace and mercy on His people and then the grafted in Gentiles. I see a picture of God dealing with...
  8. Neal of Zebulun

    Is Lying a Sin, Like Jacob Lied To Isaac?

    Jacob lied to Isaac twice, by claiming that he was his twin brother Esau, in order to receive the birthright blessing in Genesis 27:19-24. He did this under the instruction of his mother Rebecca in Genesis 27:6-13, who in turn was acting in accordance with the revelation from יהוה in Genesis...
  9. Joseph (1995) (tv-movie)

    Joseph (1995) (tv-movie)

    Biblical Movies Joseph (1995) (tv-movie) Joseph (1995) (tv-movie) Joseph (1995) TV-Movie : 3h 5min : Adventure, Biography, Drama ► Parental Guide for Joseph (1995) ◀︎ ► Movie Guide: The Family Guide to Movies and Entertainment ◀︎ The Biblical story of Joseph, who was sold to slavery by his...
  10. ChristnMe

    The God Series. - Just !

    Just. No matter how good or bad your life may seem; everyone at some point in their life is unjustified by those opposed to them, often from their closest associates and even family. Those who seek to accuse you and destroy all that you may hold in principle, especially as it pertains to your...
  11. T

    What Ezekiel has to do with the USA and Great Britain!

    Thousands of years ago, the Ezekiel recorded warnings and promises of God that are intended for our time, now! For most, Ezekiel’s message is a mystery, but you can understand God’s message for the modern world, through the prophet Ezekiel...
  12. Fritz Zimmerman

    Mysteries of the Megaliths Revealed in the Bible

    Early accounts of the Megalithic Religion can be found with the story of Jacob in the Book of Genesis (circa 1900 B.C.). http://thenephilimchronicles.blogspot.com/2015/06/mysteries-of-megaliths-revealed-in-bible.html