
  1. Citizen of the Kingdom

    God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

    Abraham was faithful to God in going to the land that God brought him to. Sarah, as grace, brought forth Isaac, as the promise to those who were not bound to the law. Isaac inherited the promise of the land without having to do anything but enjoy it. We also have inherited the promises of...
  2. BrotherJJ

    Abraham, Isaac, Eldest Servant, Foreshadows & Us

    Abraham (Represents God the Father), Isaac (Represents God the Son), eldest Servant (Represents the Holy Spirit) Us/Believers (Represent the Bride) Genesis 24: 2 Abraham said unto his eldest servant of his house, that ruled over all that he had, Put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh: 3...
  3. Neal of Zebulun

    Is Lying a Sin, Like Jacob Lied To Isaac?

    Jacob lied to Isaac twice, by claiming that he was his twin brother Esau, in order to receive the birthright blessing in Genesis 27:19-24. He did this under the instruction of his mother Rebecca in Genesis 27:6-13, who in turn was acting in accordance with the revelation from יהוה in Genesis...
  4. A

    Starting point ?

    I have a few questions which I'm sure require intricate answers but here I go. Isaac - father of Christianity? Eshmael - father of Islam ? The genesis flood wiped out all Gods people including Isaac's and Eshmael's descendants. Jesus searched his people's hearts to find a single soul pure of sin...