
  1. AlexB23

    2 Timothy 3:12 - Persecuted Christians

    Hello folks. Lately, our world has seen an uptick in persecuted Christians. @LoricaLady and @totallylovedbygod have discussed how Christians in Asia and Africa have been harmed or hurt by others, or have been impacted negatively by society as a whole. Today, we will be analyzing 2 Timothy 3:12...
  2. V

    Hagerty calls for investigation of State Department officials

    People should be alarmed at the actions of our State Department.
  3. V

    Federal Agent Impersonators Released on Bail

    The men were arrested last week when the FBI raided the building in southwest Washington and have been charged with impersonating federal officers. Prosecutors said the agents found body armor, gas masks, zip ties, handcuffs, equipment to break through doors, drones, radios and police training...
  4. V

    Bidens allows Russia to remain as key player in new Iran nuclear deal

    Despite Russia murdering civilians in the Ukraine and Russia attacking the largest nuclear power plant in Europe Joe Biden wants Russia to act as a key negotiator of the new Iran nuclear deal. Iran Nuclear Deal: Biden Colludes with Russia | National Review
  5. public hermit

    U.S. carries out airstrikes against Iranian-backed militia facilities in Syria: Pentagon

    "U.S. President Joe Biden on Thursday directed U.S. military airstrikes in eastern Syria against facilities belonging to what the Pentagon said were Iran-backed militia, in a calibrated response to recent rocket attacks against U.S. targets in Iraq." U.S. carries out airstrikes against...
  6. SummerMadness

    11 Americans Were Hurt in Iranian Strike, Military Says, Contradicting Trump

    11 Americans Were Hurt in Iranian Strike, Military Says, Contradicting Trump
  7. Lulav

    MAGOG - Who and where is it exactly?

    From another thread here it was brought up about Magog, didn't want to derail that because there's much to look into. We first find it in Genesis in the genealogy found there after the flood. 1 Now this is the genealogy of the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. And sons were born to them...
  8. The Righterzpen

    Pray for the people of Iran!

    *** Warning; video contains conservative American politics / Trump supporters **** (Thus the reason it is in "General Political Discussion" as opposed to "Prayer Wall"; although its primary purpose is to support the people of Iran.) (Video also contains record of what's going on in Iran as far...
  9. Uber Genius

    Iran - The Facts, Just The Facts Please In the midst of a storm of propaganda by the mainstream media it is important to get the facts. We heard from the media what a beloved leader Soleimani was. We have heard him compared to the US joint chief of staff. We have...
  10. Ana the Ist

    Iranians Protest Against Ayatollah

    Thousands of Iranian protesters hit streets condemning leaders over downed plane - CNN Apparently the regime's boost in popularity was short lived after admitting to shooting down that airplane And... Thoughts?
  11. Occams Barber

    Iran admits downing Ukrainian passenger jet

    Iran has admitted responsibility for accidentally shooting down the Ukrainian airlines passenger plane. A 'disastrous mistake': Iran admitted it had accidentally shot down the Ukraine International Airlines flight that crashed Wednesday morning, killing all 176 people on board. In a...
  12. helmut

    Flying mines?

    According to Trump and his administration, the two oil ships damaged in the Strait of Hormuz were attacked by Iran. There is even a video which should prove that. It shows a boat (allegedly from the revolutionary guard of Iran) which seems to remove something (allegedly a sea mine) from one of...
  13. drjean

    Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani brutally beaten, arrested again Five years ago, we celebrated a major victory...
  14. Humble me Lord

    Another Hidden Detail of the Iran Nuclear Deal

    Obama granted citizenship to 2,500 Iranian's to "sweeten the deal" President Barack Obama's administration granted citizenship to 2,500 Iranians in 2015, including family members of government officials, while negotiating the Iran nuclear deal, a senior cleric and member of parliament claimed...
  15. Episaw

    Yes, God Is On The Throne

    If you listen to the secular news coming out of Iran you would not think that God is on the throne. You have a devil possessed President, Hassan Rouhani. You have ISIS trying to destroy everything that is not conforming to their evil regime. You have thousands of Christians fleeing the country...
  16. Mark Corbett

    Praying The Lord’s Prayer for Christians in Iran

    The recent news reports of wide spread protests in Iran combined with the reports from multiple sources over a number of years that Christianity is spreading among Iranians despite severe persecution have motivated me to pray for God’s people in Iran. We don’t have to know people personally to...
  17. MorkandMindy

    Why does the Mainstream media exist?

    'He who owns the media writes the news.' Reading papers and watching TV are easy and become habits. I don't think anyone would bet anything on the accuracy of either, but particularly for the old they give a feeling of still 'being there' of still being involved in life despite not working or...
  18. Daniel Quartararo

    The Many Prophecies of President Trump

    Here is a video of over an hour of straight prophecy about Donald Trump and America's next eight years (all made before the election of President Trump)! Some of these prophecies have even come to pass already! All of them were made before Trump was elected! Enjoy! Let me know what you think...
  19. dzheremi

    The boundaries of the OO world in the 10th century re: Severus Al Ashmunein

    Hi everybody, I woke up early this morning so I've been doing some reading from Severus Al Ashmunein's The Lamp of the Intellect (what little of it I can actually read; due to a binding error, most of the pages of Ebeid and Young's 1975 English translation are fused together). It brought up...
  20. cow451

    Russia and Iran Have a Lover's Spat; Russian Bombers Leave

    Briefly, Russian bombers were striking targets in Syria from a base in Iran. The use of an Iranian base caused the knotting of undergarments in the West, particularly in the US. Now, Iran has claimed that Russia was guilty of "kiss and tell" and are no longer intimate, but "just friends". This...