
  1. G

    Just barely kept my virginity, now in a celibate relationship that God continues to bless...

    Hi there, So I don't think I will make this all that long, but I have three main points I want to make: I confessed my sin when I was about ten (10) I had my virginity tested when I was twenty (20) I was baptised when I was twenty-four (24) For a long time after my virginity was tested, well...
  2. G

    We are held, to a higher account (as Christians)

    Hi there, So just a word of faith, from someone who left the faith and tried to be his own man (a famous philosopher). I was never even once nurtured by the world, in my falling away from the faith - not even once shown, faith in return. Coming back from the world was hard, but I did learn this...