gospel of thomas

  1. The Liturgist

    New Testament Apocrypha

    Recently, I have become more interested in the idea of churches using some of the New Testament apocrypha, for two reasons: firstly, some of it, like the Protoevangelion of James and the Gospel of Nicodemus, contains actual doctrines of the ancient church, and other examples, such as the...
  2. The Liturgist

    An idea on advanced catechtical formation

    I thought I would run this idea by this forum first, given the intelligence and open mindedness of this community, although on reflection, while I am in some respects liberal, I am in other respects moderate, in still others, conservative, and in all things, inspired by temptation. So this...
  3. rakovsky

    Translating the Coptic text of the Gospel of Thomas (50-140 A.D.)

    One of the first century Christian writings that I read is the Gospel of Thomas, which is made up of Jesus' sayings, some of which are in the New Testament, and some others being found in the Church fathers as authentic sayings by Jesus (such respected sayings by Jesus outside the Bible are...
  4. DharmaChrsitian

    Intertextuality between John and Thomas

    Is anybody interested in the theory that John's Gospel was written in part to challenge early Christians who were using the Gospel of Thomas? (Note: This hypothesis would not necessarily mean that John's Gospel is inaccurate, or that Thomas' is accurate). The evidence breaks down into two...