gospel of peter

  1. The Liturgist

    New Testament Apocrypha

    Recently, I have become more interested in the idea of churches using some of the New Testament apocrypha, for two reasons: firstly, some of it, like the Protoevangelion of James and the Gospel of Nicodemus, contains actual doctrines of the ancient church, and other examples, such as the...
  2. The Liturgist

    An idea on advanced catechtical formation

    I thought I would run this idea by this forum first, given the intelligence and open mindedness of this community, although on reflection, while I am in some respects liberal, I am in other respects moderate, in still others, conservative, and in all things, inspired by temptation. So this...
  3. rakovsky

    THE GOSPEL OF PETER (70-160). Question: Is it Docetic?

    Background: The Gospel of Peter survives in fragmentary form, the largest remnant is a Passion story from the Akhmim Fragments, and two Papyrus Fragments from Oxyrhynchus (P.Oxy 4009 and P.Oxy. 2949) may also belong to this otherwise lost work. The Passion Story from the Akhmim Fragments can be...