
  1. Wil72

    Being a Christian, how should we see our ancestors and genetics?

    I'm asking, because there really is no mention of this topic specifically that I can find Biblically. Maybe I missed it. How should we view our ancestors and the people we came from? If we're Scottish, Italian, or Chinese, or what have you, should we think about the behaviours and traditions and...
  2. oSitez

    The Genetic Code

    The genetic code is a literal digital and arbitrary code. The only observed cause capable of producing this is intelligence. We only know of intelligence producing what our very bodies contain. Anyone arguing against design being the best conclusion and reasonable inference is doing it merely...
  3. SummerMadness

    Can Biology Class Reduce Racism?

    Can Biology Class Reduce Racism?
  4. Quid est Veritas?

    Large scale evaluation of Homosexual genetics and the politics of representing findings

    No single gene associated with being gay "The Harvard and MIT researchers concluded genetics could account for between 8-25% of same-sex behaviour across the population, when the whole genome is considered." I read this, and thought, that is interesting, so it supports psychosocial factors or...
  5. B

    Bacterial Drug Resistance Evolution

    Just wondering.... How do creationists reconcile bacterial drug resistance and the rise of superbugs? Bacteria and other microbes are incredibly useful organisms for observing rapid evolution due to their short life cycle. So it's been observed in real time that bacterial strains can develop...
  6. Anguspure

    More Information Found in DNA: The Shape Code

    We may have yet another code to add to Jonathan Wells’s growing list of information systems in the cell that challenge the Central Dogma. A new discovery hints at a “shape code” in the double helix..... ....Recognition of this new source of epigenetic information suggests a “new way of...
  7. Lulav

    'As in the days of Noah' - Are we in those days now?

    I think we are. What was happening back then? Let's look at the passages we have that speak of that time. Let's start with Matthew 24 3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, 1."Tell us, when shall these things be? and 2. what shall be the...
  8. SummerMadness

    First modern Britons had 'dark to black' skin, Cheddar Man DNA analysis reveals

    First modern Britons had 'dark to black' skin, Cheddar Man DNA analysis reveals I wonder if a story like this will change the minds of the race is biological crowd... nah, old habits die hard.
  9. Blessed Each Day

    Good Creationist Biological/Biochemistry/Genetics Reading?

    Can someone well-versed in the science of creationism provide me with a good reading(s) to combat common evolutionist claims? I stumbled across this site CCC No. 3: "Horizontal Evolution vs. Vertical Evolution" – Jack Scanlan which is basically some kid saying something to combat creationist...
  10. Radrook

    Limits to Genetic Experimentation or Anything goes?

    The question is rhetorical since obviously the sensible response would be that there should be limits placed on how far humans can go in genetic experimentation. To say that anything goes would be to say that some animals and humans don't have rights or at least that some have more rights than...
  11. USincognito

    Neanderthal ancestry

    Anyone else taken a 23andMe DNA test? I just got my results back and I've got 304 Neanderthal alleles which puts me in the top 15% of those who have been tested so far. The most found has been 387. My report also includes four specific variants: - I do not have the one for straight hair which...