
  1. G

    Maybe this will clarify: can I encourage my offspring's instinct for Evolution?

    Hi there, So this is simple one way but complicated another: my offspring's instinct for Evolution, ultimately consists of the conversion of my experience of it (for them). There are a number of stages at which I can guide my offspring, as regards what they believe about Evolution. First of...
  2. G

    I prophecy that our generation, will have dreams and visions greater than those that came before

    Yes, hi! I put it to you, that our generation, the generation of the pity of the grave, will have dreams and visions greater than the generation of sadness of the Earth before us. What the previous generation believed had something to do with how much they rested, we will understand as having...
  3. G

    This is the kicker, you are assuming all mutations confer adaptation to the current Evolution?

    Hi there, So yes, I worked out that Evolution isn't happening again and again and that it can't be found everywhere, I worked out that mutation is biased to assume creation, and that warning from wayward mutations is being ignored: now I have a complaint that mutations may be delaying...
  4. G

    What has God said to our generation? It's heroes?

    Hi there, So yes, anything prophetic you can offer, here - would be great! I am just thinking about how to stay current with the work of God - like that He says He is with the poor and the destitute, in our generation specifically those that don't have a family home or a steady job. I don't...
  5. G

    What is our generation going to do, with the leadership in its midst?

    Hi there, I've been watching for some time, now, wondering where the leadership of my generation is going to come from. I mean, every generation has its leaders, and those leaders have styles and they get there (to leadership) by heeding the older generation - learning from them, trusting them...
  6. G

    It is possible to adapt to your environment, in a way that returns with the next generation

    Hi there, So yes, I have finally busted the whole stranglehold that Evolution has put on our sense of inheritance. For almost a couple centuries (since Darwin), we have had the idea that inheritance is something that only operates within the originating generation (the father passes "evolution"...
  7. SummerMadness

    We Asked Generation Z to Pick a Name. It Wasn’t Generation Z.

    We Asked Generation Z to Pick a Name. It Wasn’t Generation Z.
  8. R

    Western younger generation Vs Eastern Younger generation

    Dear ALL i want to discuss the difference between 21st century Christian Western younger generation and Eastern Younger generations (15 YRS T0 45 YRS ) Which side is drawing closer to LORD CHRIST AND WHY ? Why is this generation leaving LORD CHRIST AND GOING TOWARD OTHER RELIGION ? What...