ethiopian orthodox church

  1. dzheremi

    "Second Lalibela" (Dagmawi Lalibela) being built in Ethiopia by the monk/priest Abu Gebre Meskel Tesema and two deacons

    I just found this fascinating article from a few weeks ago on the construction of a "second Lalibela" going on in Ethiopia, undertaken by the monk Abu Gebre Meskel Tesema (elsewhere identified more correctly as Aba Gabremesqel Tessema Molla) and two deacons on the slope of a mountain 60 km south...
  2. dzheremi

    Schism of EOTC Bishop in Oromia Region of Ethiopia; Coptic Orthodox Church response

    I suppose with much of the news coming out of Ethiopia these days being on the trouble with Tigray, we're bound to miss some things as laypeople in her sister churches, but I was still shocked to learn yesterday that about a month ago, a bishop within the EOTC in the Oromia region of Ethiopia...