early church

  1. D

    Early Catholic Church different from reformers

    Does anybody know how the early Catholic Church (say 500AD and earlier) compares with the modern Catholic Church and with the Protestant reformation? For example the prayers to the saints, papal infallibility, infant baptism, purgatory, priests forgiving sins, Mary being sinless etc-were these...
  2. T

    The Different Beliefs (Unlimited Atonement vs Limited Atonement)

    Hello siblings, I will first start by stating that I believe in unlimited atonement. I came across an article: https://davidtay81.wordpress.com/2012/03/11/the-church-fathers-on-limited-atonement/ This article quotes early Church members, and some of these quotes seem to hint that limited...
  3. T

    Earliest Church Interpretation of Scriptures

    Praise be to God! I was looking to see if anyone had links they could send on what the earliest Christian writings are for verses… Exodus 32: 11-14 1 Samuel 15:11 Genesis 6:6-7 I’d like to know what our earliest church leaders interpreted these verses to mean. If you have info on 1 but not...
  4. Kilk1

    Did any in the early church require a kosher diet?

    In the early church, we see statements suggesting that the dietary laws of clean/unclean meats from Old Testament passages such as Leviticus 11 are no longer binding. For example: As for their [the Jews'] scrupulousness about meats, and their superstitions about the Sabbath, and their...
  5. shagsnacks

    Why did the early Christians hate Democracy?

    Hello everyone! I'm new here. This is my first post. I made a video about why the early Christians hated democracy and have provided a link. I welcome your comments! Show me how I'm wrong!
  6. mindlight

    After the Apostles

    After the death of John in around 100AD there were no more of the original apostles to inform and guide the church. That must have felt like a bit of a vacuum to many in the church. But the second century was a crucial stage in the formation of the church and it grew through that period. I am...
  7. Mary Meg

    Christian tradition and Protestant denial of it

    So let me preface by saying, I know not all Protestants are the same and I know they don't all deny Christian tradition in the same way. Once again, where I'm coming from is a very small corner of the American Evangelical world -- but most of what I have seen personally looks like this. One of...
  8. mindlight

    Who owned the scrolls in Jesus day?

    We are used to having access to scripture. I have bibles all over the house and can simply look up stuff online also from laptops or mobiles. That freedom of access comes from technology that was not available in the time of Jesus and the early church e.g. printing press, digital media and the...
  9. Pavel Mosko

    The Guy who started the discussion of the NT Canon

    Marcion of Sinope (/ˈmɑːrʃən, -ʃiən, -siən/; Greek: Μαρκίων[1][2] Σινώπης; c. 85 – c. 160) was an important figure in early Christianity. His theology rejected the deity described in the Hebrew Scriptures and in distinction affirmed the Father of Christ as the true God. The Church Fathers...
  10. rakovsky

    Movies on the Early Church

    Just as I made a list of movies on the 12 apostles (Movies on the 12 Apostles), I saw all the movies on the early Church after the end of the Book of Acts that I could find, and am listing them below: Movies on the Early Church A.D. Anno Domini (NBC miniseries, 1985, part 5.) AD: The Bible...
  11. Douglas Hendrickson


    In discussing Luke 1, and especially Mary’s visit with Elizabeth, a little of the writing of St. Ambrose from the 4th century was shared with me as “TEACHING SINCE EARLY UNITED CHRISTIANITY”: "The grace of the Holy Spirit does not admit of delays. And Mary’s arrival and the presence of her Son...
  12. Q

    Did Christianity destroy Ancient Science?

    Hi everyone! Ive started a youtube history channel with the main goal to refute and explain populare misconseptions regarding the historical relationship between science and christianity. Ive just made a video debunking the myth that the early christian church destroyed the achievements the...