chronic pain

  1. T

    Suffering from constant sound, like from ears but in head. Other disabilities

    The sound can be very low for a day but then comes back. Normally on the left side, but can go the right side too, at times. Have been told by a physical therapist this is probably coming from my chronic neck injury. Initially a technique of "Dry Needles" seemed to help, but not consistently. I...
  2. F

    Is anxiety my punishment

    I have bewn through so much in my life, really sad and really bad stuff..Think just one day my mind and body just said " we cant anymore the scale is tipping" and at 30 i had my first full blown panic attack. I though i was having a heart attack and all i could think was not now God i havent...
  3. J

    Hello, My name is James, I would like to introduce myself and give some testimony.

    My name is James Colboch I am 21yo I have been sick since I was 12 years old with chronic pain, and spent most of these years in a coma like state. I of course have been to many doctors over the years and have never been diagnosed, They think I have Lupus and I am still working on a diagnosis. I...