catholic evangelization

  1. J

    Catholic prayer request: Preparing for my summer campaign

    For those of you who don't know me, I had some bad experiences in childhood, I was bullied at school and had a bad relationship with my mother, the whole thing resulted in me developing a sexual perversion. Before my reversion, I used to look at pornographic material made by a group of...
  2. J

    My Summer Campaign

    OtsoBeltzak on DeviantArt Special thanks to Multifavs for my DeviantArt Avatar!:) This is it, I have finally set up my DeviantArt account and am now preparing for my Summer Campaign. I'm going to save the souls of some poor sinners who desperately need to Our Lady love and healing, but more on...
  3. J

    Litany of the Holy Spirit for Missionary Zeal on CF

    I keep forgetting to set this up, I'm here on Christian Forums to evangelize and bring all people into the One True Church, outside of which, they cannot be saved. Without God I can do nothing, so I'm setting up this thread, in which I hope to get into the habit of saying the Litany of the Holy...
  4. J

    My plans for November, and the future...

    So I finally made it to Confession today and as well as attended Adoration. The thing about Confession and Adoration is, I do it at the parish I want to move into as, (As I have mentioned in my Reversion Story.) Confession at my current parish is very rarely held, and you have to do it in a...
  5. J

    What are good books on Mary for secular people?

    Attention!: Look what subform you're in before posting! This Christmas, I plan on giving my family a good number of Catholic material including some good Catholic books. The books I plan on giving to my family include, After Virtue by Alasdair Macintyre, for my dad; and Life of Christ by Ven...