
  1. AlexB23

    Temple of the Holy Spirit: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Study

    Let's discuss 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. Man, this verse is a heavy one for some people. A lot of us Christians, myself included have a degree of recklessness. While I do not smoke, or do any drugs, I sometimes did risky stuff due to my poor executive skills (ADHD and impulsivity, so I do not...
  2. G

    How are we going to deal with the Christian "Stereotype" (the World's stereotype for us)?

    Hi there, So you could probably approach this, from an infinitely large number of angles, I just wondered what you would think: specifically, on the basis of your entitlement to be loved by the Brethren, but as the world sees it? What I mean is, you are entitled to be loved on the basis of the...
  3. Theologyofone

    Man Is A Dichotomy

    Arthur Custance is of great influence in shaping my theology his in depth logical approach to understanding the scriptures in very insightful. This topic has always caused me conflict and through his many works he has articulated what many theologians have made confusing into a reasonable...
  4. HenSoma-OneBody

    Body, Soul, & Spirit: The Soul

    "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not from the Father but from the world. The world is passing away along with...
  5. B

    Looking for input...

    Hi all, I am new to online forums, but my friend and I are starting up a ministry called Bought At A Price and are looking for input from Christians about the lives they lead, especially concerning the health of your body, mind, and life in the Holy Spirit. I’m here to listen as much as I can...
  6. Jonaitis

    God is Simple. Did you know that?

    Have you ever heard of Divine Simplicity? No? Here is a lecture I heard years ago by Dr. James Dolezal, he gives a brief overview I would say of what this doctrine teaches us in Scripture about who God is. Please don't respond until you have watched this video.
  7. John Beiswenger

    Finally a Forum I can relate to

    I am a scientist by definition and experience, not by education. I have been a Product Research Engineer for 50 years, and I currently head a medical product research team which is developing a device to detect infections in humans days before symptoms, permitting early medical intervention...
  8. Douglas Hendrickson

    ENSOULMENT, what is it?

    Can a SOUL be minuscule, like unto a single-cell invisible zygote that is VIRTUALLY NOTHING? So that it makes sense to think a soul could somehow accompany the union of a human sperm and a human egg at conception? SURELY THERE CANNOT BE A HUMAN BEING SOUL BEFORE THERE IS EVER A HUMAN BEING...
  9. Sam Karriker

    Challenging the Status Quo

    I have been reading some of the articles on the following website. The author makes some really good points about the challenges that face the body of Christ today. Take a look and tell me what you think.
  10. Ron Gurley

    SPIRIT: What is it?

    SPIRIT: What is it? Genesis 2:7 (NASB) Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils "the breath of life"; and man became a living being. "and breathed" ...Hebrew 5301...naphach "the breath" ...Hebrew 5397....neshamah "of life" ...Hebrew 2416...chay...
  11. Douglas Hendrickson

    Does a Human Being have a body?

    Does a human being have a body? Of course, is the obvious answer. I consider it a fact, that human beings, actual animals, members of the species, have bodies. So the zygote, a single cell with human DNA, cannot itself be a human being. Since it is only one cell, it cannot possibly have...
  12. Ron Gurley

    "DEATH: What is it? What happens after?

    "DEATH: What is it? What happens after? Let us first define "DEATH! Genesis 25:11 It came about after the death of Abraham, that God blessed his son Isaac; the death...Hebrew 4194...maveth...dying, Death (personified), realm of the dead SEE ALSO: be put to death...Hebrew
  13. ChristnMe

    Letter To The Faithful - Behold Him!

    Come together and behold Him. Let not your past keep you from the light that is upon His face. For in Him is life today and forever. How is it so many walk as in a stupor not knowing the time we live in and that now is appointed to behold Him in all that is to be done? For in Him is Spiritual...
  14. ChristnMe

    Follow The Fruit.

    Follow the fruit. To be a Christian is just the same as the night is to light. God’s first act was to shed light upon the darkness of the Earth just as if one would shed a right perspective of clarity on an issue that is based on ignorance. Simply put; a Christian ought to be someone who is not...
  15. ChristnMe

    Face 2 Face.

    Jesus in his ministry did hundreds of miracles, many of which is not recorded for by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit the authors wrote only about those that were pertinent to Jesus’ work. And just like any good read, they tried to convey the tone of these events that was colored with...
  16. J

    Traditional Catholic understanding of the human person

    Here's the Traditional Catholic understanding of the human person, made up of three parts or aspect, and how these aspects are effected by sin: The Aspects The Mind The Will...
  17. C

    Lords supper is symbolic

    Guys: Can anyone cite the Bible verse that says that the Eucharist in the Lords supper is symbolic? Catholics believe it is literally Christ's body and blood. Protestants say it is a symbol. Can anyone show where the Bible says it is a symbol?
  18. 116 Disciple

    Demonic oppression! prayer needed

    Hello Brothers and Sisters I come to you today asking the body of Christ to please keep my mother in prayer! She has finally came to the Lord out of many years of catholicism and she got rid of all her idols and accepted Christ in her Heart and shes been experiencing a lot of demonic attacks...
  19. RyanC111

    The Body of CHRIST

    Hey everyone, The teaching of the blood of Christ rings loud within the Church. His blood is the forgiveness of sins. According to Jesus at the Last Supper, His blood is the New Testament. We are washed and justified by the blood of Christ. Seldom do we hear about the significance of His body...