
  1. AlexB23

    Worldly Churches: A Checklist

    Hello folks. How can we discern if a church is worldly (idolizes the world) or spiritual? Have any of you encountered a "worldly" church? What were some warning signs or red flags that helped you decide to leave a church? Here is a 10-part checklist to help aid us on our church journeys. 1...
  2. AlexB23

    The Case for (or against) Open-Access Journalism (Paywalls Part II)

    Hello guys and gals. Yesterday, a group of folks including @essentialsaltes , @JosephZ and others have enlightened me on the ethics of bypassing paywalls, a structure that news agencies use to pay their employees. I now understand that using software to bypass paywalls is unethical (both from a...
  3. AlexB23

    Ethics of Bypassing Paywalls on News

    Is it immoral to bypass paywalls? This is a question that many of us internet users might have asked. I will provide a secular and theological explanation of why bypassing paywalls is immoral, though I do bypass paywalls myself, often to help others on CF get access to news from New York Times...
  4. J

    Hardened heart reversed

    Is there any biblical examples of people that had gotten hardened hearts but God later, for some reason, chose to soften it without their repentance? And I don't mean backsliding like David did, I mean hardened hearts like Pharaoh for example. Thank you in advance, I will try to look it up as...
  5. M

    Wonderful new book of Christian Crosswords and Word Puzzles!

    Biblical crossword puzzles and word puzzles. A fun and challenging and wonderful way to get to know the Word of God. This book is for Sunday Schools, for students in Faith Based schools, and for all ages. For Pastors and everyone who loves the Word of God, and puzzles. Enjoy. It's available at...
  6. Mario Rodriguez

    Need some prayer or advice with Psychosis/Schizophrenia that I “may” have

    Hi, I’m fairly new to this website and I’m trying to find a way out of this psychosis, I’ve been feeling like I know all the reasons why I could be schizophrenic but I know God is telling me it could be down to one thing. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia around March 2018 and a social worker...
  7. A

    What Constitutes Adultery in the Biblical Sense?

  8. Dansiph

    Weapons from Biblical times (specific questions)

    Does anyone here have any knowledge of the weapons from this span of time? Eventually, I would like to buy a sword for mainly display. I want the sword to be something used in and around the area and time frame of the Bible. I've done a little research and the weapon would most likely be...
  9. W

    Just started a Christian YouTube Channel

    Hello, brothers and sisters in Christ! My name is Waldy, and I have recently started a Christian channel, speaking on Biblical topics and theological issues. I feel like the world we live in is speaking a wrong message, and my goal for this channel is to make the truth known to the world! That...
  10. PeacefulHope

    Some drawings I have done...

    Pharoah's daughter finding Moses. Illustration from the book of Psalms. Sorting wheat from the tares. Teaching on charity. God bless you all, these are just some drawings I drew. I pray they might bring some joy and comfort. Thank you.
  11. Zoey <3

    Biblical Events with Historical Evidence

    Hello all! A friend and I were discussing this topic and we were running short on events. I am aware of the finding of a mummy believed to be Joseph and his coat of colors in an ancient Egyptian tomb. A Mysterious Mummy in Cairo: The Surprising True Identity of Joseph with the Coat of Many...
  12. TaylorSexton

    Culver's "Systematic Theology"

    Hey, guys. I have decided to read over the next year Robert Duncan Culver's Systematic Theology: Biblical and Historical. I am about 70 pages in (which, in normal book pages, is about 140), and I am really enjoying the read. Does anyone else have experience with Culver? His ST is one of the...
  13. Timotius Danang


    This is my first post, and allow me to introduce about Bibilical Bride Teaching (BBT) What Is Bibilical Bride Teaching ? Bibilical Bride Teaching is the Word of God that opened the secret, which leads us to God's plan, God established the church is one body which is the bride of Christ with...