
  1. T

    The Different Beliefs (Unlimited Atonement vs Limited Atonement)

    Hello siblings, I will first start by stating that I believe in unlimited atonement. I came across an article: This article quotes early Church members, and some of these quotes seem to hint that limited...
  2. T

    Supra and Infra Question

    Hello brothers and sisters, I have questions around supralapsarian and infralapsarian views. 1. Were these views initially brought up and discussed during the reformation? 2. Who are the earliest Christian’s to hold one or the other of these views? 3. Does the old church discuss any of this...
  3. T

    Pre/Double Destination Differences Question

    I cannot wrap my head around the difference in predestination vs double predestination. My best answer is that in predestination God simply new beforehand who would believe, where with double predestination He actively makes the non elect reprobates. Is this right? Can anyone spoon feed me...
  4. T

    Determinism & Double Predestination Questions

    Hello, I pray you all are well. I have several questions. 1. Was Calvin the one who first wrote and preached on double predestination? 2. When were the first teachings on limited atonement. What I mean by this is the teaching that God died on the cross for the elect, but did not die on the...
  5. Brother_Kane

    Free will or predestination?

    I don’t quite understand. There is several verses in romans that sounds a lot like predestination. There is also a ton of verses that talk about making the choice to follow Christ. I want to believe free will. The idea that God decides who is gonna follow Him and who He’s gonna throw in Hell I...
  6. Paulomycin

    Is "salvation by hostile surrender" a trend?

    This is one of those situations where I encounter a line of reasoning from an Arminian and dismiss it as a one-off, only to see it repeated by another Arminian a few months later. The way I'm hearing it, the concept goes something like this: - Bob is initially hostile to Arminian god, but is...
  7. Jesusthekingofking

    Calvinist vs arminian debate in the early age of christianity?

    500 yrs after the reformation, the Calvinist and Arminian debate is still ongoing on strong, whether it's among the scholars or layman Christians. You can simply google or search in youtube how much hatred and attack btw these 2 group back and forth. I wonder why before the 16th there's no...
  8. lamb7

    Free Will & God's Sovereignty/Predestination

    I always ponder which side was correct. Everyone always debates this. In Christianity, I wonder why there are so many disagreements, denominations as well as opinions when we are to not to be confused. I don't think God would make these matters this confusing and hard for us to understand. I...
  9. A

    If I don't completely agree with predestination, am I still saved?

    I've studied the Bible endlessly on this topic, and I came to the conclusion that obviously God calls us first, but then it's up to us to accept the free gift of salvation. I've studied some verses that seem to contradict the Calvinistic view of predestination. “The Lord is not slow in keeping...