
  1. seeker1999-

    I apologize to you all

    I apologize (intellectually) for playing games with you all. By_the_book told me this in one of the previous forums But I’ve never had that still small voice of the Spirit speak to me to draw me to salvation though. Is it too late?
  2. Cheyanne

    Apologizing to friends I hurt in the past

    Hi. This is my first time posting on here. Thank you for taking the time to read this and hopefully reply with biblical guidance/advice. I was saved in July of 2021. Before that I was deeply into the new age/occult. I was incredibly selfish and I abruptly ended my friendships with three of my...
  3. SummerMadness

    BBC presenter called out for 'racist' World Cup tweet against Senegal

    BBC presenter called out for 'racist' World Cup tweet against Senegal It's refreshing to see someone go, "My bad. I apologize." It's much better than the usual doubling down and arguing that was said or written was not hurtful.
  4. J

    A Correction...

    I haven't put "*Catholics Only*" because I want any and all non-Catholics who have read my stuff in the past to see this. However, this is still a Catholic sub-forum, and I have no desire to debate right now, so please be respectful and abide by the rules. I have been wanting to post this for...
  5. J

    !Catholic Only! An apology...

    I am going to try and apologize now for what I did, I deeply regret my angry outburst last November, it terribly undermined, if not totally demolished my attempt to defend a dogma of the Faith that I deeply love and rejoice in. I am deeply sorry for that outburst, I must remember that it is not...
  6. J

    An Apology

    Hello, I just wanted to apologize for getting so angry. I just got really upset with how everyone reacted to what was happening, judging me and assuming the worst of me. And how almost no one listened to what I said, and jumped to conclusions on other things and accused me of things I've never...