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  1. MethodMan

    why do Christians support Israel-??

    Did you bother to read the passage from Romans? :pray:
  2. MethodMan

    why do Christians support Israel-??

    The LORD had said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you. GE 12:2 "I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. GE 12:3 I will bless those who bless you, and...
  3. MethodMan


    God's desire was to create a being with the capability to love. What is the opposite of love? Did Adam and Eve die? No - Then what did God mean when He said they would surely die? His warning that decisions have consequence. You conclusion actually ignores God's true desire for us...
  4. MethodMan


    Well, We can choose not to live like this. Our problem is when you encounter those that will not. There is a lot of pain in the world. People cope very differently. Some look inward and live miserable lives. Some look upwards. It really is a simple choice.
  5. MethodMan


    You can't possibly demonstrate that God wants us to suffer. Try again. Why are man laws instituted (I mean the real purpose)? Once again, who was it that decided take of the tree? No, What I am saying is that our pathetic laws do not apply to God. Laws are put in place...
  6. MethodMan


    What was cause of the explosion? God? Why the intelectual 2-step with demanding logic withou offering any?
  7. MethodMan


    No, God did not intend for it to fail. Yes, he knew it would. So the question would be why? The laws on the books are man-made. Nuff said! Again - applying man laws but only applying the facts you choose. He could. Now ask yourself why He did not. His standard. His creation. His...
  8. MethodMan


    Keep shooting. All you do is miss the target. MAn can not blame God for their suffering. One only needs to look in the mirror. But the decision is still the child's. Culpablity, blame - whatever you call it. lies with the person that made the the informed choice; which is exactly what...
  9. MethodMan


    But the fall has everything to do with what you tried to set up. This is still not representative of the characters in the Fall. Although Satan did sort of trick them, he would not have been seen as an authority figure. Not when you fix your scenario. Because God's...
  10. MethodMan


    Ahh - what's the matter? Hurts that someone did take the bait? Ok - I'll nibble at it. Look at your senerio one more time: "If I let a rabid dog into a class of schoolchildren and the dog attacks the children, am I responsible for what happens to the children?" Who actually let the...
  11. MethodMan


    Then you left out a few characters then
  12. MethodMan


    "If I let a" All I need to see.
  13. MethodMan

    Health Care

    I know a gentleman whose doctor demaned he lose 50 lbs before he would do a knee replacement. The gent went to another doctor. That doctor went forward with the operation. The gent blew out his good knee in rehab for the first.
  14. MethodMan

    Which is a good person to you?

  15. MethodMan

    Why insist on God's omnipotence?

    Simple answer? He does!
  16. MethodMan

    The story as I understand it

    ARQ - Why? Choice - God created us with the ability to live sin free - we did not - still don't. False Premise How do you know that? But that is not the case. All are without excuse. I didn't find the instruction Book to difficult to understand. Ever read it? And that's why he...
  17. MethodMan

    Is THIS What Christians Believe?

    You are using human standards again. Quite a low standard in comparison Try reading the rest of it.