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  1. Slibhin

    Pro-Palestinian supporters at Columbia University confront Jews ‘to push them out of camp’

    You are encountering something called "Replacement theology", the belief by some Christians that G-d has discarded the Jews and given Christians his covenant. Aside from the fact that this directly contradicts the Torah and is based on classic antisemitism, even their own bible does not support...
  2. Slibhin

    Pro-Palestinian supporters at Columbia University confront Jews ‘to push them out of camp’

    I didn't realize we were responsible for the actions of a mob 2000 years ago, assuming your bible is accurate about the incident. I wonder how this squares with: Deuteronomy 24:16 "Fathers shall not be put to death because of sons, nor shall sons be put to death because of fathers; each man...
  3. Slibhin

    Abortion in Arizona set to be illegal in nearly all circumstances, state high court rules

    Orthodox Jews are not allowed to use birth control either and we aren't awash in LGBT, divorce and transgender people. How exactly does birth control lead to those things?
  4. Slibhin

    Pro-Palestinian supporters at Columbia University confront Jews ‘to push them out of camp’

    Israel proper can only be restored by G-d's divine providence, which he will do when the Messiah arrives. Israel today is merely the creation of men.
  5. Slibhin

    Abortion in Arizona set to be illegal in nearly all circumstances, state high court rules

    Repeating yourself over and over while ignoring what the other person is saying is indicative the conversation is a waste of time. You advocate for policies that kill women, end of story.
  6. Slibhin

    Pro-Palestinian supporters at Columbia University confront Jews ‘to push them out of camp’

    I didn't realize you were more of an expert on antisemitism then I, a Jewish Israeli. You don't bother to look anything up, do you? The UN declared them Illegal in 1967, then reaffirmed it in 1979 and 2016. They also said Israel was in violation of the Geneva convention. The EU also said the...
  7. Slibhin

    Abortion in Arizona set to be illegal in nearly all circumstances, state high court rules

    HaShem stayed his hand. We believe it was ordered to demonstrate Abraham's faith in G-d, and he knew G-d would intervine. We also believe this was done in order to clearly show he did not want human sacrifice which was practiced widely at the time. Very honest of you. I'm glad to fill you in...
  8. Slibhin

    Pro-Palestinian supporters at Columbia University confront Jews ‘to push them out of camp’

    What is antisemitic is trying to invoke nazi imagery in order to smear college kids. I sincerely doubt you have ever even been to Israel or Palestine, let alone talked to anyone from that region. Palestine has been illegally occupied since the 6 day war when Israel seized it. Every relevant...
  9. Slibhin

    Abortion in Arizona set to be illegal in nearly all circumstances, state high court rules

    Oh, I was under the impression Isaac lived. I must be reading a flawed Torah. HaShem calls human sacrifice an abomination so your information, at least on Judaism, is deeply flawed.
  10. Slibhin

    Gregg Abbott Says "Antisemitism Will Not Be Tolerated in Texas"

    What is the basis for that accusation, other then it's an Arab owned news outlet? Please link us to their articles praising Hamas. Al-Jazeera has Jewish employees and even Israeli ones. A few years ago they fired some employees for engaging in holocaust revisionism. They certainly have an...
  11. Slibhin

    Abortion in Arizona set to be illegal in nearly all circumstances, state high court rules

    Sorry, who was the child HaShem had sacrificed? I must have missed that.
  12. Slibhin

    Abortion in Arizona set to be illegal in nearly all circumstances, state high court rules

    Huh?? Are you even following the thread? What does adultery have to do with anti-abortion laws?
  13. Slibhin

    Abortion in Arizona set to be illegal in nearly all circumstances, state high court rules

    I'm not American, I'm just providing related commentary. I'm not a Christian, I'm an orthodox Jew... so is it okay for me to ban you from eating pork and lobster? Can I ban you from working sundown Friday to sundown Saturday? Can I ban tattoos? Can I make it illegal to nookie with your spouse...
  14. Slibhin

    Abortion in Arizona set to be illegal in nearly all circumstances, state high court rules

    There isn't some magical procedure out there that can save both, if there was people would use it. Sometimes it's one or the other, or the baby is unable to survive. Why should people compromise on a life saving procedure to satisfy the sensibilities of religious ideologues? In Ireland, where...
  15. Slibhin

    Abortion in Arizona set to be illegal in nearly all circumstances, state high court rules

    Unfortunately such laws do not work, endanger women's lives and have caused many deaths.
  16. Slibhin

    Abortion in Arizona set to be illegal in nearly all circumstances, state high court rules

    Why? Not enough women's lives are being put at risk as it is?
  17. Slibhin

    Gregg Abbott Says "Antisemitism Will Not Be Tolerated in Texas"

    Oh okay as long as there were some grateful people elsewhere I guess that balances out the mass murder, rape and napalming children. You have a very cavalier attitude towards human life, which explains your views on Palestine.
  18. Slibhin

    Gregg Abbott Says "Antisemitism Will Not Be Tolerated in Texas"

    Basically he's saying mass slaughter is okay because people are bad. I wouldn't be bragging about serving in this particular war if I were you. US brutality against Vietnamese children and civilians are very well documented:
  19. Slibhin

    Orthodox Jew stopping by temporarily

    Do you have an idea how often I, Jews in general, get accused of attacking Christians/hating them/being prejudiced? You may think you're being humourous but I have to take it seriously because people, even on this thread, are chomping at the bit to attack me just for being who I am. Please be...