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  1. T

    Im 34, new to church, and never pursued or been attracted to a church girl...until now:

    i am not worried i may or may not have mentioned, 2024 has been an absolutely insane year so far of life changes. changes, wake up calls, battles, learning. i TRULY feel that i was on a certain path and god literally lifted me up and put me on a different one. my faith and...
  2. T

    Im 34, new to church, and never pursued or been attracted to a church girl...until now:

    Dont get me wrong, there are still pangs of disappointment here and there, they don't last very long and I am still actively searching. It's still an uphill battle and a challenge. My anxieties and the fallout from my abuse as a child are not defeated by any means . And I still battle with the...
  3. T

    Im 34, new to church, and never pursued or been attracted to a church girl...until now:

    another bit of a revelation: my whole life, i have had pretty bad social anxiety. low self-esteem and such. and in going to church...i was hoping god would send me a wife. but i think what god was doing was actually working on my social anxiety and esteem issues. i cannot be a husband until i...
  4. T

    Im 34, new to church, and never pursued or been attracted to a church girl...until now:

    So, here's an update with this situation...not sure anyone is interested, but i discovered this forum looking for advice, maybe my story can help somone the same way so, the girl wasnt able to meet up for a date. i asked for 3 different dasys, she was busy every day. so i apporached her at...
  5. T

    Im 34, new to church, and never pursued or been attracted to a church girl...until now:

    Thank you I have love for God and trust in Him on this issue plaguing me. It can just be hard to focus when you want something important to you I'm hoping for clarity and a less cloudy vision on how to proceed, and praying for the negative voices and ideas to be washed away. Modern dating...
  6. T

    Im 34, new to church, and never pursued or been attracted to a church girl...until now:

    I hope so I could still use prayers if anyone has some to spare....any bible verses you guys want to drop on patience or persistence would be helpful Also, if any one stumbles on the forum like i did, looking for advice, I would say "minimize dating advice as much as possilbe" My...
  7. T

    Im 34, new to church, and never pursued or been attracted to a church girl...until now:

    hey guys, update! first, i just wanted to stop back in and say i appreciate IMMENSELY everyone's prayers and advice from everyone i finally got up the courage, and the timing was right, so i asked her out. i asked God for the courage to approach her and not be afraid, and he stood behind me...
  8. T

    Im 34, new to church, and never pursued or been attracted to a church girl...until now:

    i will, i think. i have self-esteem issues, and God is helping me through them (some days i feel like a worm, some days i feel like Christ is literally walking beside me and I'm king of the world). just have to wait for the right day lol also just about timing. because she works at the church...
  9. T

    Im 34, new to church, and never pursued or been attracted to a church girl...until now:

    Well that what I mean. I am "worried", always with women, is am I coming on to strong...or not enough. I kind of just wing it, and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I don't think this girl is necessarily in love with me or anything like that. But I'm also the kind of guy who misses...
  10. T

    Im 34, new to church, and never pursued or been attracted to a church girl...until now:

    Well that's part of it. I'm awful at reading people in general I think. When I'm into a woman, I don't "know how" to leave interactions "normal" or "getting to know" I've always, at any time being attracted to a woman, go into an almost "conquest" mode where I actively want to pursue it and...
  11. T

    Im 34, new to church, and never pursued or been attracted to a church girl...until now:

    i understand what you mean, and i feel like im coming across wrong :) i have an initial attraction to this girl...what i mean in terms of "potential" is, i get a good feeling from her, and she's a woman. thus far, i really dont know anything else about her other than this initial feeling she...
  12. T

    Im 34, new to church, and never pursued or been attracted to a church girl...until now:

    i have free will, but over the pass few months i have seen God also playing a (seemingly) very active role in my life, my mind, etc. i dont want to give my whole life story here, but i know certainly God is actively rebuilding who I am, at my very core. hard to explain, but it feel like God has...
  13. T

    Im 34, new to church, and never pursued or been attracted to a church girl...until now:

    But this is the issue and the question I ask God...why is he putting me on paths of attractions that go nowhere or are fruitless? This is why I'm asking for prayers. I want this to stop happening It's not necessarily about this girl specifically, it's just always this. It has happened to...
  14. T

    Im 34, new to church, and never pursued or been attracted to a church girl...until now:

    Guys, please please pray for me. i went to a night-time prayer service and she was there. we broke off into groups of 5 and she was in my group. this is the first time i really have seen her. sitting next to her, hearing her love for God, hearing her heart, hearing her pray, hearing her...
  15. T

    Im 34, new to church, and never pursued or been attracted to a church girl...until now:

    yes, and this is the crux of the whole thing, really. is this interest (or potential for romantic interest) or is she just being nice bingo. i mean...if she is interested, and i am, and i know shes interested, i can play this out respectfully and slow an let things build organically. but not...
  16. T

    Im 34, new to church, and never pursued or been attracted to a church girl...until now:

    bro (or sis) i hear this 100%. i REALLY have been going down a terrible rabbit hole of "what does this mean, what does that mean"....its been really obsessive for me, because for whatever reason, i am super attracted and almost magnetized to her :/ today out interaction wasnt great. wasnt bad...
  17. T

    Im 34, new to church, and never pursued or been attracted to a church girl...until now:

    is lunch equal to coffee in terms of "forwardness"? i only ask because i go to the latest service of the day, 11am. i was thinking of just asking her to lunch or something after she finishes up because she works at the church (not sure doing what exactly, ive only seen her handing out communion...
  18. T

    Im 34, new to church, and never pursued or been attracted to a church girl...until now:

    thank you! i actually spent a decent amount of time praying as well on this topic. ive been struggling with MANY things lately, good and bad. since 2024 started, God has definitely been doing SOME KIND of work on me. major major. and ive had a difficult time really leaning on god and fully...
  19. T

    Im 34, new to church, and never pursued or been attracted to a church girl...until now:

    i have. i really do want to ask her to lunch or something after church, but i think its just....soon? i dont even know if she WANTS me to ask that? i never see her talking to anyone else like this (i know, sounds silly lol). im over thinking all this, i know. i just have to walk in there, be...
  20. T

    Im 34, new to church, and never pursued or been attracted to a church girl...until now:

    if this is not the correct place to post this, please move the thread lol