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  1. ATT

    Unwanted Groinal Responses

    I sadly can't due to my parents, they don't support my faith and I don't think they would be understanding of my situation
  2. ATT

    Unwanted Groinal Responses

    Hi so they finally let me in and now I'm being tormented by the thought that my groinal responses is not a sin since its not mentioned in the bible but something worse and that since its so weird it separates me from God. I'm trying to ignore it but it's hard.
  3. ATT

    Unwanted Groinal Responses

    I tried to join and they haven't let me in but yah it would be great if you I could send you questions.
  4. ATT

    Unwanted Groinal Responses

    Also do you know anyone I can email questions or concerns too, since I can't get actual therapy right now
  5. ATT

    Unwanted Groinal Responses

    Thanks, I appreciate those resources but I've looked at jamie eckerts blog alot and with that article what I struggle with is the idea that yes God doesn't communicate to us using our body but in the case with the groinal responses since I mightve intended it, it's no longer neutral but...
  6. ATT

    Unwanted Groinal Responses

    Further if I have a wrong view of God then I can't really place my trust in Him which means I'm not saved
  7. ATT

    Unwanted Groinal Responses

    Well if I'm purposely thinking of Jesus in a sexual way that means I have a very wrong conception of God and its just very weird and wicked, to be honest I use the initials ATT out of shame because I feel weird even struggling with this, I feel like such a weirdo having thoughts and even...
  8. ATT

    Unwanted Groinal Responses

    What I'm also really struggling with is the fear that I really did want to do that, that I genuinely wanted to think of Jesus in a sexual way and get a groinal response which is a thought that disturbs me and really scares me, not only that but it leaves me in a spot where if I did do it on...
  9. ATT

    Unwanted Groinal Responses

    Hi, I would greatly appreciate those resources, but what makes my situation exceedingly difficult is that my parents don't support my faith and so wouldn't be open to getting therapy which leaves me stuck to online forums.
  10. ATT

    Unwanted Groinal Responses

    So I'm a christian who struggles alot with intrusive thoughts and overthinking which after a lot of research has led me to believe I might have scrupulosity but the main point of this post is I've been struggling with a combination of unwanted groinal responses when I'm thinking about people of...