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  1. Psalm51Flower

    Prayer Encouragment

    Hello beautiful people! I am really craving fellowship with a Christian buddy, whom can encourage me to pray and I can encoruage them likewise. Prayer is something I really struggle with. I talk to God throughout the day but dedicating time to quiet prayer time I find extremely hard (and yes...
  2. Psalm51Flower

    Best documentary about Fatima on Youtube?

    Hello! apologies if this is not the correct way to post a thread, but I'm looking for a reccomendation for a documentary about Fatima that is on Youtube? I understand the story is quite complex and I'd like a documentary that covers everything yet is still understandable for me (a Non Catholic...
  3. Psalm51Flower

    Prayer requests post here!

    Please pray for my husband, that his Visa will get approved and here will arrive here in the UK safely and swiftly. So we can begin a normal life as a married couple, As God intended.
  4. Psalm51Flower

    Are there any Female Saints from the Americas?

    Not sure if it's been mentioned, but MATUSHKA OLGA was recently confirmed as a Saint. If I recall correctly, she is is the first Orthodox Saint from the Americas. An Alaskan wife of a Priest
  5. Psalm51Flower


    Thank you so much, I whole heartedly agree. I miss fellowship so much...
  6. Psalm51Flower


    Oh interesting, I've never heard of that! I used to be part of a prayer group for the Persecuted Church and the lady I prayed with had done a mission trip to North Korea and stopped off at China on the way. God bless all the Chinese belivers, there passion and determination should be an example...
  7. Psalm51Flower

    Lots of denominations, Catholics, Calvinists, Lutherans, Baptists.. etc. etc.

    It depends exactly on what you are asking by "saved". In Eastern Orthodoxy, becoming saved is not a one off event, but rather an eternal journey.
  8. Psalm51Flower

    Eastern Orthodoxy, Theravada Buddhism and Zen. Hello!

    Welcome, Your story sounds very interesting, and your open mindedness is a blessing. My husband is Russian and aligns with some aspects of Buddism too
  9. Psalm51Flower


    Welcome back! I love how this website has been around so long and still feels like the "old school" internet lol. God bless you and your family
  10. Psalm51Flower

    Hello everyone

    Hello! I made an account today too. Welcome :)
  11. Psalm51Flower

    Hello I’m new

    Hello there, I made an account just today. So I'm a newbie too. Welcome and God bless you
  12. Psalm51Flower


    Hello all, I'm truly excited to be here. I am almost certain that I've been an occasional lurker since... 2007? I love the "vibe" of this website, it feels so nostalgic and simple, a breath of fresh air! Looking forward to all the interesting conversations I'm going to have here. I've decided...