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  1. S

    Pope apologizes for using ‘homophobic’ slang

    The alleged word used was "faggotry". 'There is too much faggotry in seminarys already' - or something close to that.
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    Pope apologizes for using ‘homophobic’ slang

    I'm not upset at the alleged use of the word. I am peeved that a Bishop ran straight to Media to report what was said though.
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    [Catholics Only] I'm getting confused again.

    Altars weren't a Catholic invention - we just changed what was sacrificed on the altar. Instead of bulls, rams, doves etc; that the Jews offered, we offer to the Eternal Father the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus. We sacrifice the Lamb of God - which is precisely the sacrifice that God...
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    My brother is in hospital on breathing tube

    Is there any airport nearby? Would car rental - even for a day - be an option? Just to get up to see him...
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    Possible miracle at Lourdes: Almost-blind woman recovers her sight

    I read the story of a verified cure from Lourdes many years ago. A woman went blind due to the optic nerves in her eyes withering. She was at a Eucharistic procession in Lourdes and as the Eucharist was approaching where she was stood, she began experiencing intense heat in her eyes but not...
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    Pope Francis interview on 60 Minutes program tonight

    Did anyone watch it? Did PF explain his view as to why or was it a case of 60mins sensationalising a comment to promote the show?
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    My sister…

    She'll be added to the intention book for tomorrow evening's Mass.
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    The psychology behind climate change denial.

    Very interesting that the video includes the 'hockey stick' reference at the beginning. Michael Mann, a climate scientist, wrote a paper (early/mid aughties) that proved beyond doubt that human activity was the driver of climate change: he used the hockeystick reference in one of his graphs. The...
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    I need a job asap

    I would suggest you go to Our Lady on this. Anytime work looks like getting scarce , i ask her for work and within a few hours my schedule is full and my fears allayed. I can't recommend her enough. She's always been very good to me. Go and ask her (and of course I'll pray for your situation too.)
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    Biden "doesn't understand the Catholic faith," bishop says. "I'm not angry at him, he's just stupid."

    Wasn't he declared "mentally unfit" to stand trial or to be prosecuted recently?
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    Climate threats = FIRES: Famine, Instability, Refugees, Extinctions, Super-storms

    And again i must write: the CIA don't advertise their activities or inform the American taxpayers of what they're at. The confirmations eventually come from whistleblowers, memoirs and FOI requests. It was Donald Trump who finally cancelled USA's overt funding of terrorists in Syria - they were...
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    Climate threats = FIRES: Famine, Instability, Refugees, Extinctions, Super-storms

    You never asked me for any explanation, source of information or helpful reading; no, your contribution was, an "outlandish unsupportable claim". So there's no need for you to now pretend that you were somehow wronged. If you haven't the courage to address me yourself, there's really no need for...
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    What Every Catholic Needs to Know About Conspiracy Theories, and How to Help Loved Ones Who Fall for Them...

    Can you give me some examples of CT's? A friend is a solid devotee of David Icke - a UK CT who says the Royal Family are hybrid human/reptile species. To me, that is CT...the outrageous, insane stuff.
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    Climate threats = FIRES: Famine, Instability, Refugees, Extinctions, Super-storms

    You think there has been no credible journalism about CIA activity and protection of America's interests abroad. Oh, i genuinely don't know where to begin with you (or if i even should). Re: Australia. Yes, Australia will suffer from extreme weather: it will be anthropogenic but not because of...
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    What Every Catholic Needs to Know About Conspiracy Theories, and How to Help Loved Ones Who Fall for Them...

    Conspiracy - 1) a plan secretly devised to accomplish an evil or treacherous end. 2) to act in harmony to achieve a common end. Pope JP II wrote something over 20yrs ago that stuck with me - "The veil of darkness has almost completely descended over the World". We can sense our enemy's...
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    Climate threats = FIRES: Famine, Instability, Refugees, Extinctions, Super-storms

    Dear Estrid, I invite you to familiarise yourself with their Nations Foreign Policy. It can be found online. Then come back to me.
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    Climate threats = FIRES: Famine, Instability, Refugees, Extinctions, Super-storms

    You're asking for a link confirming CIA involvement in fostering civil war in a foreign Nation? Really?
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    Climate threats = FIRES: Famine, Instability, Refugees, Extinctions, Super-storms

    Dear Estrid, if you are American, I invite you to familiarise yourself with your Nations Foreign Policy. It can be found online or probably at a Public building like a library. Then come back to me.
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    Climate threats = FIRES: Famine, Instability, Refugees, Extinctions, Super-storms

    I stopped reading when i hit the 'climate caused Syria's problems' bit. USA caused Syrian war. Syria was to begin processing significant oil shale reserves until the CIA-sponsored 'Arab Spring' visited Syria as part of its Middle Eastern Tour. And now people are thinking climate change is the...
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    The Democratic party desperately wants Trump to be the nominee

    I'm sure that's lovely/intelligent/insightful/et cetera. Have you any original thought to share? I didn't reply to pdf or the atlantic tyvm.