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  1. Cassia26

    One divine person in Jesus

    Does this mean the incarnate Son acted independently in a human body? This is my problem. Jesus said, 'The Father in me is doing the works' (John 14:10-12). 'The Father and I are one,' etc.
  2. Cassia26

    One divine person in Jesus

    Thank you. Before incarnation, there was no human action. At the moment of incarnation, there was no human action. The three divine persons were acting as one to cause conception. How could only one act at this moment?
  3. Cassia26

    One divine person in Jesus

    Thank you for your answer. You say, "Because the action of the Trinity is one and all three persons act together." This is my point. If the three persons act together, how could the second person act alone and incarnate?
  4. Cassia26

    One divine person in Jesus

    Thank you for your answer. You say, "Because the action of the Trinity is one and all three persons act together." This is my point. If the three persons act together, how could the second person act alone and incarnate?
  5. Cassia26

    One divine person in Jesus

    QUESTION FOR THEOLOGIANS I’m not trained in theology and would appreciate responses by persons who do have qualifications. If my numbered statements are in error, I would be happy to be corrected. My understanding of Christian doctrine: 1. God is one but triune. The three persons of the...