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  1. sea level

    Sacrament and the Word

    Even in Luther’s Law/Gospel Schemata, we are all unworthy, unfit and guilty under the law, but forgiven under the Gospel.
  2. sea level

    Sacrament and the Word

    Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed.” — John 20:29
  3. sea level

    Sacrament and the Word

    Yes, I have noticed many Lutherans that have gone over to Eastern Orthodox, but once again I would say God's Word gives us a window into heaven, rather than Icons. No need to fit in with the Lutheran Eucharist.
  4. sea level

    Sacrament and the Word

    SO, IOW, the Word is the source of the sacraments and the sacraments are dependent on God's Word. (yes, we'll sin boldly until we find Christ's righteousness as sufficient for our justification before God).
  5. sea level

    Sacrament and the Word

    I'm sure glad that the Word made flesh did not miss me, converting and renewing me from the inside out for the last 50+ years even through His written Word!
  6. sea level

    Sacrament and the Word

    Rome and Eastern Orthodox would say it's the Lutherans who are missing out of the sacramental blessings. So, there ya go.
  7. sea level

    Sacrament and the Word

    I had gone to a Lutheran Church that was very sacramental, seeingthe sacraments through the Scriptures. Me? I'm more of a Law/Gospel type of guy, seeing law/gospel throughout Scripture. I know most of you have attempted at answering the OP, "Since the Sacrament is dependent on the Word, why not...
  8. sea level

    Sacrament and the Word

    Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. (NKJV) I had to look up the term... In logic, the law of non-contradiction (LNC) (also known as the law of contradiction, principle of non-contradiction (PNC), or the principle of...
  9. sea level

    Sacrament and the Word

    And we know that through the written Word, that has been the point of this thread. The Sacrament is dependent on the Word.
  10. sea level

    Sacrament and the Word

    Yes, that is what I read in Scripture. Again, in Scripture. Yes, as we all do need Him. For in Him we live, and move, and have our being; Acts 17:38a Agreed with the Creed Sorry, not into Decision Theology Yes, as all mankind. BTW, Ms Hawks (lyricist) was a Baptist pastor! Wherever we...
  11. sea level

    Sacrament and the Word

    I really don't want to make this thread about ME. (although 'Me' is a big problem lol), but I appreciate your time and effort in explaining this. (I'll continue asking). For example, I know that the pastor is not special, but why do I need to hear "Your sins are forgiven"?, when i can read it...
  12. sea level

    Sacrament and the Word

    1 Timothy 2:5 KJV For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, I see little difference. The issue here is the sufficiency of Christ. 2 Timothy 3:15 BSB From infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through...
  13. sea level

    Sacrament and the Word

    Yes, but you had said, 'Ink and paper can't do anything;', that's why I included the Holy Spirit (as the One who convicts, empowers, enlightens, comforts, and continually points us to Jesus). I can't but help see the Word and His Spirit as sufficient in all things. :scratch:
  14. sea level

    Sacrament and the Word

    As I understand it, the Holy Spirit is inseparable from His Word (spoken, written, digitized etc.) and that's why it is active, powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword.
  15. sea level

    Sacrament and the Word

    Thank you for your interpretive opinion, but I'm still wondering (per: OP) "Since the Sacrament is dependent on the Word, (even it's definition) why not have just the Word?" (as in "sola Scriptura")
  16. sea level

    Sacrament and the Word

    Yes, Maranatha for sure. Incarnation seems to be the key thing here... "...and the Word became flesh" (Jn 1:14a) I guess in the Supper, we are continually proclaiming that truth visibly ... 1 Corinthians 11:26 NKJV For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's...
  17. sea level

    Sacrament and the Word

    That's kinda what I thought. 'all for our comfort and benefit,'. I guess in my case the written/oral word sufficiently comforts me.
  18. sea level

    Sacrament and the Word

    In short, the Sacrament is still dependent on the Word (according to the definition of a Sacrament), no?
  19. sea level

    Sacrament and the Word

    I can sum up my answer by saying faith takes hold of those things you described (incarnation, ink&paper etc.) believes and acts on them. If sacraments in Scripture are so important, why are they so little taught in Scripture? Instead, I see a great emphasis on faith in Jesus the Messiah.
  20. sea level

    Sacrament and the Word

    I always thought our walk is by faith (in God's Word) and not by sight (or feelings). I guess that is the Baptist part of me. lol