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  1. Thijs Hottenhuis

    What does it mean to be a lover of this world ?

    I believe we should always be ready to leave the world behind, and to be lifted up by angels into the Presence of God. And that there is nothing wrong with enjoying things of the world, as long as we are willing to depart at any given moment, with no regrets. If not, I am clearly a lover of the...
  2. Thijs Hottenhuis

    Christianity - The Elevator Pitch

    Beautiful, that is an open invitation. I think asking questions is a good way to start, and avoiding any heaviness too. After all, the Gospel is the good news, right? Thank you for sharing. :raisedhands:
  3. Thijs Hottenhuis

    Christianity - The Elevator Pitch

    Alright, I can see that this can be something that you should only do after some soul searching and prayer, yes. Besides what they shouldn’t do, how would you warm them up to becoming Christians, @One God and Father of All ?
  4. Thijs Hottenhuis

    Christianity - The Elevator Pitch

    It is beautiful that you say that God does all the healing. I believe that to be true, it is only Grace. The “elevator pitch” is not meant as a quick conversion for busy people, a trick of some sorts. I do believe we have to be flexible about how we communicate with people, and sometimes we...
  5. Thijs Hottenhuis

    Christianity - The Elevator Pitch

    Well, you could try something like, “Isn’t it amazing, that there is a God, and that He never stopped loving us, even though we went astray, turning our back to Him? Isn’t it wonderful that He is still reaching out to us, through our Saviour Jesus? And that we can walk by His Grace?” And then...
  6. Thijs Hottenhuis

    Christianity - The Elevator Pitch

    Thanks for sharing, @1Tonne , an interesting and effective idea! I have gone out on the streets, and often start with the question, “Do you believe in miracles?” And then I proceed based on what people say. This takes more than a minute, though. What I mean with the “elevator pitch”, this is...
  7. Thijs Hottenhuis

    Poverty, illness, disgrace. Is this the life that God wanted to give me?

    It is difficult to look at this world, and then to still believe that there is a loving God. It takes understanding of the human condition and the need for a spiritual awakening. In order to see Heaven, you have to be born again. Born to what? To the Christ in you, the hope of glory...
  8. Thijs Hottenhuis

    How to know if i am talking to God /Holy Spirit or it's just myself?

    Discerning whether the communication you receive is from the Holy Spirit or from another source is a learning process, and you can only grow in this by practising. You have already received a lot of advice on this, so that is cool. Something I encourage you to look at is your statement about...
  9. Thijs Hottenhuis

    Christianity - The Elevator Pitch

    As Christians, we should to spread the Gospel, the good news, right? This is something that also makes me happy, to talk about how the Gospel has transformed my mind and life, and restored peace and meaning to it. :innocent: With people getting busier and busier, I believe it is good to have an...
  10. Thijs Hottenhuis

    Healing in Jesus’ Name

    Hello @Chegrmom49 , thank you for sharing this. I saw you also shared this on the Prayer Wall, and that is a good idea. I pray for you, for Love, Light, and Healing, in Jesus' Name! All the best for you, amen.
  11. Thijs Hottenhuis

    The Infallible Word of God versus Human Error

    Well, the Bible is summarized in the two commandments which we should follow, in Matthew 22:36-40. Since Jesus is so firm about this, these we should definitely follow without fail. But my point, which I have now repeated three times, is that the essence of Christianity is letting yourself be...
  12. Thijs Hottenhuis

    the People who say "God told me, God spoke to me" extra biblical revelation

    It is true that one can hear many things in his own head, many voices which have often nothing to do with God, Jesus, of the Holy Spirit. Yet it would also be absurd to believe that the Holy Trinity stopped communicating with us after Jesus left. You can select quotes that warn about listening...
  13. Thijs Hottenhuis

    The Infallible Word of God versus Human Error

    Yes, I believe this is not a fixed rule, to be observed by everyone. It all depends on the personal guidance you receive from the Holy Spirit. Some people will be guided to lead a monastic lifestyle, and will indeed be asked to give away everything they own. I just don’t believe that this is...
  14. Thijs Hottenhuis

    The Infallible Word of God versus Human Error

    What I believe is that we should open up to God, providing us with everything we need, and that we should freely share what we have whenever we are guided to do so. For me, this doesn’t mean that anyone can just walk into my house and take whatever he likes. It means truly tuning in to the...
  15. Thijs Hottenhuis

    The Infallible Word of God versus Human Error

    I do not know if statements like “Sell your possessions and give to the poor” are to be taken literally for everyone, just like statements, “If you have two coats, give away one coat.” I believe we are all meant to open up to sharing what we have with those who need it by following our Inner...
  16. Thijs Hottenhuis

    The Infallible Word of God versus Human Error

    I mean taking the Bible as scripture, which is word for word the perfect message of God, through His Voice, and not affected at all by the human beings involved in writing, translating, remembering the stories in the Bible. The core of the Bible, that God loves us, and that He wants us to...
  17. Thijs Hottenhuis

    How ambitious should a Christian man be ?

    As a Christian, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all else shall be added on to you.” In that endeavor, you are asked to be ambitious. And that may include being guided to be a good provider for your family, for example, and thus be ambitious about your work. But the focus should always be...
  18. Thijs Hottenhuis

    The Infallible Word of God versus Human Error

    I cannot imagine that miracles will stop happening in my life, but even if they would not appear for a longer period, that would not change my mind. This is not based on reasoning, but because I experience the Holy Trinity blesses and guides my life. It is not so much keeping the score on...
  19. Thijs Hottenhuis

    The Infallible Word of God versus Human Error

    Well, I have already abundant proof that miracles are happening in my life, so no, that won’t change this trust based on my previous experiences. The stance that there are no miracles happening anymore since the Apostles left is absurd to me.
  20. Thijs Hottenhuis

    The Infallible Word of God versus Human Error

    Well, following traditions is not bad in itself, I believe, but we need Divine Guidance, from the still small voice within, the Holy Spirit. This is the core of Christianity, as I see and experience it, because without this guidance, I will follow my own worldly habits, and I won’t be following...