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  1. R

    I committed the unpardonable sin

    Boy I read all these comments and just had a word from the Holy Spirit, and what He said was your sin can be forgiven. Please dont condemn yourself, because you may be dealing with powers and principalities. The devil isn't a pest or nuisance he is true evil and he can ruin your mind. Know...
  2. R

    Schizophrenia or spiritual experience?

    I have psychosis myself and the answer to your question is yes God can manifest Himself in your illness. Remember you dont just have an illness you have psychosis which doesnt just mean a break in reality, it means you're also sensitive to the spiritual realm. Medicine can only do so much, the...
  3. R

    Divine discipline

    Greetings! I haven't posted in a while but am looking for some accountability partners. I have Psychosis and occasionally I can see shifts in my environment. It happens daily multiple times a day. Sometimes its beautiful to look at and other times it seems barren or malevolent. I am 100%...
  4. R

    Is it ok not to work

    Hello! I'll brief as others here have made some wonderful assessments. I have psychosis and there was a time when I couldnt work. But i kept trying. Finally on my fourth try I found a job I could do. I struggle with it sometimes, but God seems to be more present in my life. My...
  5. R

    health issues

    Thomeas you are loved and comforted. Praying for your wellness.
  6. R

    schitzophrenia, I think it is demonic

    I will pray for you tonight. i am new to the boards but would like to help. i have schizoaffective disorder, and can see demons in my face. You are not alone. God loves you a great deal. I know you feel lost but God wants to find you. He sees you and knows what you are going through. He is...
  7. R


    He has been helping me with my thinking this week. I appreciate the time you took to write this!
  8. R


    Thanks for this input! I do have fear especially of the negativity. I didnt fret all day today, and He's still with me.
  9. R

    Wheres my devil?

    Thanks Petros! I used "Sheperd take my hand" all day today and felt refreshed. Its nice to know I'm not the only one who has had a dark thought. They are scary.
  10. R

    Wheres my devil?

    Thx for this. I feel like I want to love God more. I hate the thought that He would hurt me or judge me. Thank You for sharing that you have had dark thoughts too.
  11. R

    Wheres my devil?

    Richard I really appreciate the time you took to write this for me. It was nice of you and is helping to ease my mind. I'm gonna keep hope alive and try and resist the devil. I have to get back these evil forces through repetition and discernment. Thanks again
  12. R

    Wheres my devil?

    It does help and thank you very much for your reply!
  13. R


    Thank you so much for the scripture! I'm not very well grounded in scripture. I need to be. I will try to dismiss the thoughts.
  14. R

    Wheres my devil?

    Hello my name is Ryan and I have schizoaffective disorder. In my 20's I frequented strip clubs and watched porn I was essentially lost. During those times I was hallucinating and delusional, the wages of sin I guess. Things are much better now for me because I'm born again, but I've been...
  15. R


    Its very nice to be here on this site and I appreciate all of you. I'm reaching out to anyone who is compassionate because I am having problems with overthinking. Instead of eating chickfila I'm killing a chicken. Instead of taking a swim I'm shark bait. The deer are freezing out in nature...