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  1. Psalmofmercy

    Nice to meet you! New Catholic here with a background in mental health

    Nice to meet you. I'm new to the forum, and I recently returned to the Church. I'm a Catholic lady living in California. I work for a suicide hotline and my educational background is in social work. My primary religious calling is to work to help myself and others overcome sin, guilt, shame, and...
  2. Psalmofmercy

    Lacking a desire to please Jesus(even though I love him)

    He loves you as much as if you were the only person He made. He doesn't just love you, He likes you. He wants you to overcome this OCD. He wants you to lean on Him for help, and to do things that take care of yourself too. I'm here if you want to pm me
  3. Psalmofmercy

    Feeling lonely as a new Christian

    I'd love to be your friend
  4. Psalmofmercy

    I definitely have a problem.

    A sense of helplessness often precipitates addiction. Do you feel out of control or helpless in some aspect of your life?
  5. Psalmofmercy

    I went to Mass but I still feel guilty

    It sounds like you're dealing with some anxiety and beating yourself up. Sounds like you did what you could
  6. Psalmofmercy

    Christianity is hard

    Hi, happy to have you here. It sounds like you're going through some struggles with your mental health (bipolar) as well as liking other people. Carl Jung famously said the things we dislike in others are aspects of ourselves that we are critical of. Do you find this to be true of yourself?
  7. Psalmofmercy

    Lacking a desire to please Jesus(even though I love him)

    I'm wondering if perhaps the OCD you struggle with is making you feel too weary to foster your relationship Christ. Remember, Christ isn't scared of your obsessions or compulsions. They're scared of how awesome He is. Sincerely, someone at war with OCD.
  8. Psalmofmercy

    Work and Witchcraft

    I tried but I couldn't find the way to lol
  9. Psalmofmercy

    Work and Witchcraft

    I was hoping maybe I could DM you. I always could use other people fighting the good fight :). It's not easy going about it alone.
  10. Psalmofmercy

    Wanting to ‘control’ God, confine him to an agenda is idolatry, pope says

    God made us in His image, and we have been wanting to return the favor ever since!
  11. Psalmofmercy

    Work and Witchcraft

    That is an extremely remote occasion of sin. No matter where you go these days, you are going to encounter inappropriate and evil content. I work for a crisis line, and I talk to and communicate with pagan clients once in a while. I know they are doing things that are hurting their own spiritual...
  12. Psalmofmercy

    Adjusting our speak for the other sex?

    Please don't talk to us differently just because we are women. That could feel unintentionally patronizing and reinforce negative and harmful stereotypes. Maybe instead you could talk to us depending on other factors like our personality, interests, etc.