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  1. L.A.M.B.

    Do Our Beliefs Matter?

    I once had as my signature the below which came to me in a hot debate about beliefs verses the word of God; One can believe what they will but HIS TRUTHS will outlast our beliefs ! Accepting what God/Christ has stated through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit upon his prophets & apostles, in...
  2. L.A.M.B.

    please read this and pray for me!

    Praying for the peace of God to surround and permeate your life and home. He knows all of our past, our choices, our trust & faithfulness in him, our uprisings and down sittings HE NEVER LOOSES SIGHT OF OUR NEEDS, DESIRES, WEAKNESSES, ECT. AND IT IS HIS GOOD PLEASURE TO FULFILL HIS PROMISES...
  3. L.A.M.B.

    My favourite religious films

    Top favs. Jesus of Nazareth, The Passion of the Christ, (part 2 The Resurrection will be out in '25 with same producer and actors) The Ten Commandments, IMO, the Left Behind series are false since I do not believe in a pretrib rapture.
  4. L.A.M.B.

    Do I have to confess my adultery to my spouse?

    Hello. Are you also known as Rella? You have the same famous painting as another on another forum.
  5. L.A.M.B.

    Is Jesus God?

    YES,JESUS IS AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN FULLY GOD! For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power" Colossians 2:8-10 Jesus was also fully man, born of the flesh to be tempted as we are that he might be touched...
  6. L.A.M.B.


    No such truth to a pre-rapture. Matthew 24:27-33 27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together. 29 Immediately AFTER the tribulation...
  7. L.A.M.B.

    What are the conditions for salvation?

    Romans 10:9-17 9 That if thou shalt CONFESS with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt BELIEVE in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead THOU SHALT BE SAVED . ****10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.***" 11 For...
  8. L.A.M.B.

    the People who say "God told me, God spoke to me" extra biblical revelation

    I agree. This is why we have cults of Joseph Smith's, E.G.White's, kingdom hall's, Moon, ect, bc ppl are so ready & willing to accept xtra-bibical writings as truth. ( Deuteronomy 4:2 ; Revelation 22:18/19 ) John 17:16/17 16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 17 Sanctify...
  9. L.A.M.B.

    Idiot GPT-3 chatbot suffering from hallucinations.

    I must NEVER communicate with an AI, knowingly.( Or one that talks back) I have trouble communicating and understanding human bots !
  10. L.A.M.B.

    Five Letters Easy Game...Fun!!!!!!!! :D

    SSRNS Supper sonic ringing never stops QDFCZ
  11. L.A.M.B.

    5 letter word starting with last letter- biblical

    Tight Helps 1Cor.12:28 S
  12. L.A.M.B.

    Five Letters Easy Game...Fun!!!!!!!! :D

    Bible believing includes living examples. Jwmhx
  13. L.A.M.B.

    5 letter word starting with last letter- biblical

    Hypocrites ( Mat.23) S .
  14. L.A.M.B.

    Five Letters Easy Game...Fun!!!!!!!! :D

    ELLEN Evening looks lovely even now. SLWPO