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  1. ari.sketch

    Modern Witchcraft

    I also like to point out, as Christians, when we walk in the light, darkness can not touch us, when we walk with God, the enemy can NOT touch or harm us, problems begin when we step off the light, when we open the door to attacks from the enemy. and there are ways in which the enemy may use...
  2. ari.sketch

    Modern Witchcraft

    these modern witchcraft talk reminded me of a story shared by an American sociologist/pastor Tony Campolo. In one of his trip - and if I remembered correctly, to somewhere in southeast Asia (so, quite possibly Indonesia), he met one of his work colleague (a western guy) who had become a...
  3. ari.sketch

    Where to church?

    my advise you've already done, and still doing? and that is taking it to prayer no specific leading in any way could be that God is leaving the choice to you, or you may need more prayer time (and introspection? what's your motive/reason), or you've already made up your mind? these theological...
  4. ari.sketch

    Candy bars or candy

    I don't know about any secrets, for me it's just preferring one over the other, preferring health, having a healthy body/life, over sugar ... then, it's just a matter of discipline, but what I find is, as I go on without (artificial) sugar, candies, etc., the less I want them, I take my sugar...
  5. ari.sketch

    Candy bars or candy

    thanks, appreciate it, it was/is tough (breaking the habit), but I pretty much have gotten rid of candies now, and don't really have strong desire for them, just find them way too sweet now, trying my best to stay away from artificial sugar, though it's virtually impossible(?) in this day and...
  6. ari.sketch

    Candy bars or candy

    this one pains me ... I love sugar as a kid, and as an adult :p but I have been cutting down on sugar for a while ... but, man, I love every candy ... all, except those hard ones ... they're still OK ... but they would be at the bottom of the list, those white toblerones, snickers, coffee...
  7. ari.sketch

    Liberal Thinkers

    at its base core, a lot of things seem, and are in fact good or neutral at best, it's what we/people do with it that made it bad. I think it's good to be tolerant and accepting, but when it's not aligned with God's will or His way - then it becomes bad. And to the question of what we can do...
  8. ari.sketch

    Hello everyone.

    hello and welcome to the forum, happy to have you here. sorry to hear that you're going through some dark times in your life, to be honest, I'm in the same boat, hopefully you will find support and some peace from this forum. being in this forum has helped me be more engaged in Christianity...
  9. ari.sketch

    Hi New

    hello and welcome to the forum, we're happy you found this place as well :)
  10. ari.sketch

    A Joyous Greeting to My Fellow Seekers in Christ

    hello, welcome to the forum :)
  11. ari.sketch

    Hey y'all!

    hello and welcome to the forum
  12. ari.sketch

    I am an old person and new member

    Hello, welcome to the forum :)
  13. ari.sketch

    Happy Sunday so glad to be apart of this forum

    Hello and welcome to the forum :)
  14. ari.sketch

    Hi all - Introduction and First Impressions of Forum

    heya, welcome to the forum :)
  15. ari.sketch

    Perseverance through Prayer

    lol, yup, been there, done that, still happening I think all of us have struggled with this :) Myself included, and I did read and grateful for all the advice and suggestions given, will definitely try them. I'm trying to approach prayer with more reverence as well, we get to talk to God -...
  16. ari.sketch

    Christians and Horror Movies

    I'm just reminded of this article, What did Jesus mean when He said, “The eye is the lamp of the body” (Matthew 6:22)? | one way I see this is that we are God's temple, that put so much worth on you - that we ought to be careful or considerate in what we put in into our body...
  17. ari.sketch

    Im feeling suicidal

    I'm in a bad situation as I write this ... and did feel the urge to just end it all ... as ReesePiece had mentioned, I did reached out as well, talked to a couple of people, started going to church again (been going the last 3 weeks). Going back to God's word, reading the Bible does help as...
  18. ari.sketch

    Modern Witchcraft

    I'm going to reference Derek Prince on the subject of witchcraft, in that witchcraft, at its basic form, is the attempt to control people to do what you want by the use of any spirit which is not the Holy Spirit. By the way, witchcraft can be quite a broad subject Aspects of witchcraft, 1. the...
  19. ari.sketch

    Anxiety over discerning what God is calling me to do?

    There's a few things I want to address, 1. Feeling nervous or fear to act when God wants us to do something. - First of all, we need to know it really come from God (wisdom and discernment, and a close walk with God). - It's normal to feel nervous or scared. But here's the beauty of it, if we...
  20. ari.sketch

    Anxiety over discerning what God is calling me to do?

    I've been praying for wisdom and discernment not just in God's calling in my life, but in all areas of my life, trying to learn how to hear God's voice, be spirit led, etc ... and I have to say, hasn't been easy peachy lemon squeezy. I would get discouraged in my progress as well ... but then...