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  1. O

    Let's talk about the Trinity and Free Will.

    May the Lord Bless you more than anyone at this forum.
  2. O

    Were the Jews Really the Jews?

    Thank you for sharing. The 18 different translations I use, including the Tanakh, say otherwise. I wish you the best.
  3. O

    Let's talk about the Trinity and Free Will.

    I didn't read your post. The reason for this is that I do not have a spirit of arguing within me. If you can change your attitude, which would be to be Christian, I would be happy to communicate with you. May the Lord grant you the most amazing of Blessings.
  4. O

    Let's talk about the Trinity and Free Will.

    There are layers of messages within the Bible. The first layer is what any human being can memorize from Scripture. But those memorized Words may or may not mean what we think they mean. And this is precisely why I do not consult commentaries unless absolutely necessary. I would rather peruse 15...
  5. O

    Were the Jews Really the Jews?

    Are you talking about the Bible? As in, the 66 Book . . . Bible?
  6. O

    Let's talk about the Trinity and Free Will.

    What you just wrote was like reading my native language after being in a forgein country for ten years. God tells us to go to the blind, poor, oppressed, and sick. Why? Because they know they're sick and need a healer. This is the Purpose of Christ according to John 9:39-41. This is why Jesus...
  7. O

    Let's talk about the Trinity and Free Will.

    My friend, your lack of Understanding and Knowledge of the Bible as a whole would be too tiresome for me to break through, considering your aggressive spirit. If your eyes and ears weren't shut, I'd love to work with you. I wish you the best.
  8. O

    Let's talk about the Trinity and Free Will.

    It's not what I believe. It's what I can copy and paste. Silly thing is, people usually reject Scripture. Isn't that sumthin? Christians . . . rejecting Scripture. It happens every day that I attempt to communicate with one.
  9. O

    Let's talk about the Trinity and Free Will.

    Scouring the Bible from Genesis to Revelation multiple times, it is evident that humans possess nothing more than a limited sense of freewill. Could you give me an example of how, if I had the Power, to violate your sense of free will. No one has given an example thus far. Thanks!
  10. O

    Let's talk about the Trinity and Free Will.

    It's probably me, but I'm not getting much out of that.
  11. O

    Let's talk about the Trinity and Free Will.

    Actually, I've been saying that the Bible consistently reports that God Enables His Elect to obey Him. Sweet. :)
  12. O

    Let's talk about the Trinity and Free Will.

    I hear you. The things I offer are basically copy and paste from the Bible. I'm just reporting what my translations say. Say, could you do me a huge favor and give me an example of what it would be like if someone were to violate your sense of free will. Thanks!
  13. O

    Were the Jews Really the Jews?

    I'm not here to play games. I wish you the very best.
  14. O

    Let's talk about the Trinity and Free Will.

    Power. The answer to your question is Power. Of all things in the Bible that we are to glean, it should be the Power of God. Why? Because proper fear of the Lord leads to Understanding, Knowledge, and Wisdom. Without fear of the Lord, we cannot have the perspective God wants us to have.
  15. O

    Let's talk about the Trinity and Free Will.

    The Bible is crystal clear: God hardened Pharaoh's heart so that the Glory of God would be made known. Romans 9:17-18 NLT - "For the Scriptures say that God told Pharaoh, "I have appointed you for the very purpose of displaying my power in you and to spread my fame throughout the earth." So you...
  16. O

    Let's talk about the Trinity and Free Will.

    I would advise against calling the Eternal Plan of God "Dark." It is quite the opposite . . . it is incredibly beautiful and selfless. All of people's actions, thoughts, and words were under the Divine control of the Lord. Even John MacArthur acknowledges this Work. Acts 2:23 NLT - "But God...
  17. O

    Let's talk about the Trinity and Free Will.

    That's correct. But how do we harmonize the primary theme of the Bible which is that God is in supreme control over all people, animals, and physical creation? How do you do that?
  18. O

    Let's talk about the Trinity and Free Will.

    Fair enough. If this is true, why then, do we find throughout the Bible that God determines the thoughts of humans and animals, thus causing them to think and behave according to their over-riding direction in the Lord? This principle is throughout the bible. Again, it is throughout the Bible...
  19. O

    Were the Jews Really the Jews?

    That is a most unusual question. I'll assume you were very tired . . . or something. Deuteronomy 7:1 NLT - 1 "When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are about to enter and occupy, he will clear away many nations ahead of you: the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites...
  20. O

    Were the Jews Really the Jews?

    Curious. Why are you not acknowledging the Seven Nations? God doesn't avoid them in His Scriptures . . . why are you?