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  1. Terri Dactyl

    Trump rally in Democratic Strong hold

    I read that Roger Stone used a photo of a 70s Rod Stewart concert for the appearance of 100k. Is anyone surprised?
  2. Terri Dactyl

    Does Theistic Evolution Honor and Glorify God.

    If you don't believe parts of the Bible are true, how can you believe that any of it is true? So there was a world wide flood, but it wasn't Noah's?
  3. Terri Dactyl

    Advent Christian Church

    It's cute!
  4. Terri Dactyl

    Some call it Politics but I call it Getting involved in order to Christianize society

    Well, Jesus didn't mix them. Render unto Caesar... remember? Jesus NEVER mixed them and if He is Our Example, then... You know the world is going to to get worse and worse Matthew 24, and trump and his team of christians may believe s little differently them my family of Christians--so whose...
  5. Terri Dactyl

    Worship of the Eucharist (Graven Image)

    If the sacrifice of Christ was made ONCE, why does He have to be sacrificed over and over? Like being married--the ring is a symbol--you don't have to get married over and over--ya got married once. I don't understand why Jesus is called a victim, and why we can parade around with a piece of...
  6. Terri Dactyl

    Worship of the Eucharist (Graven Image)

    No it isn't. Jesus was alive as a human at Passover, and He was missing none of Himself. It was a symbol. It always has been.Do you not understand the meaning of symbol?
  7. Terri Dactyl

    Five Letters Easy Game...Fun!!!!!!!! :D

    Flower leaves easily emit seeds. wtdvn
  8. Terri Dactyl

    Five Letters Easy Game...Fun!!!!!!!! :D

    All you people understand little. tmwsr
  9. Terri Dactyl

    Five Letters Easy Game...Fun!!!!!!!! :D

    Are you going put up letters?
  10. Terri Dactyl

    Trump Could Be Doomed If Convicted - A Trial Occur in Time?

    You cannot prove anything -- you are just throwing stuff out there hoping it would stick.
  11. Terri Dactyl

    Trump Could Be Doomed If Convicted - A Trial Occur in Time?

    There was never proof of election interference. It is not Biden who wants to arrest political opponents--it is trump.
  12. Terri Dactyl

    Five Letters Easy Game...Fun!!!!!!!! :D

    Lazy tigers seem kinda interesting. pmrqs
  13. Terri Dactyl

    Using Tongues For Its Intended Purpose

    tongues are a spiritual gift. Even Paul says that not all speak in tongues. There are many gifts of the Spirit. If they are for a sign to unbelievers, then what is going on in charismatic churches? Why aren't they out and about preaching in tongues?
  14. Terri Dactyl

    Five Letters Easy Game...Fun!!!!!!!! :D

    A kite is soaring skyward. RAUST
  15. Terri Dactyl

    Unclean Sky Watchers

  16. Terri Dactyl

    The Truth Behind The Jan 6th Capitol Event And Prison Sentencing?

    Yep!!This!!! They were outnumbered and He Who Must Not Be Named refused to act. All I need to know.
  17. Terri Dactyl

    Republican Missouri Senate leader removes several Republican state senators from committees

    only in Missouri. They are also stuck with Josh Hawley.
  18. Terri Dactyl

    Using Tongues For Its Intended Purpose

    Not everyone has the gift of tongues. It is not necessary for salvation.
  19. Terri Dactyl

    I absolutely cant stand reading the bible

    One chapter a day should suffice., esp if you really read it. Sometimes if you savor the words, you will learn a great deal more. God would never ask for 3 chapters every hour. the Bible is full of wisdom, but glancing over it will not help. It needs to be read and digested, and accompanied...