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  1. doughtz

    Couldn't God have just re-created all the land animals after the flood?

    Everybody in the world saw the building of the ark but did not believe in God or Noah?
  2. doughtz

    Hearing the voice of God on certain topics

    I'd be wary of somebody saying they hear the voice of God, to be honest. I think we just have to do the best we can using God's Word and counsel from other brothers and sisters. Considering the 40,000+ denominations, I would say it's unlikely people are actively hearing from God audibly. Unless...
  3. doughtz

    Exodus 31:17 "in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth"

    The layers in the Grand Canyon were not made during a flood. Nor did the canyon erode away because of a *global* flood. The canyon was made through erosion of what we have as the Colorado River. There are also fossil records of crawling/walking animals and evidence of rain in different layers...
  4. doughtz

    Exodus 31:17 "in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth"

    As somebody who believes in a young earth, does that mean you also believe in the global flood happening around 2500 BC?
  5. doughtz

    Exodus 31:17 "in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth"

    How do you reconcile what we know about the fossil record, light traveling from so far away and reaching us, and geological evidence like carbon and radiometric dating?
  6. doughtz

    Exodus 31:17 "in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth"

    It's a topic I struggle with myself. I'm not sure how to reconcile fossil & geo records with Gen 1 other than to do what you are also doing. The dilemma I face with that, is that the author seems to be implying an actual account with literal days. And the only reason to not interpret it that...
  7. doughtz

    Exodus 31:17 "in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth"

    What exactly leads you to believe you should not read straight forward historically Genesis 1? So far, I understand you saying it is because of our observation of Earth (fossil & geo records), but perhaps there is more? I'm just trying to better understand why you don't take a straight forward...
  8. doughtz

    Exodus 31:17 "in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth"

    This is what I meant. I'm sorry for the confusion. So am I accurate in saying that we don't need to read it straight forward mostly so that we can reconcile what we have observed from the fossil and geo records? Agreed! I would say because when interpreting what somebody wrote, it is...
  9. doughtz

    Exodus 31:17 "in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth"

    And what lead you to the conclusion that Genesis 1 is not intended to be read as historical?
  10. doughtz

    Exodus 31:17 "in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth"

    Why do you believe it isn’t intended to be read as a straight forward account? Does the author imply that it isn’t supposed to be read that way?
  11. doughtz

    Was there death before the Fall?

    Would love to hear your thoughts on what people have said. Have any of these responses cleared anything up for you? Or do you still have questions?
  12. doughtz

    Exodus 31:17 "in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth"

    Isn't it clear that Genesis 1 is referring to 24 hour days? It says there was morning and then there was evening. It seems pretty straight forward. You have to try to move away from the straight forward reading of Genesis 1 to acquire a different interpretation outside of 24 hour days.
  13. doughtz

    Where's all the people?

    Can you check mobile Chrome again and let me know if it looks better now?
  14. doughtz

    Forum tidy up

    I'd love to see a screenshot to help understand better if you get a chance.
  15. doughtz

    Yeah we fixed the issue where supporters were seeing ads. Should be completely fixed.

    Yeah we fixed the issue where supporters were seeing ads. Should be completely fixed.
  16. doughtz

    Our future sins are not already forgiven? Your thoughts?

    I sure hope it is future sins, too! I don't know about you, but I don't know 100% of the time when I have sinned. So... I think most of humanity is in trouble if we are not forgiven of future sins.
  17. doughtz

    Bring Back the Bible?

    I think somebody messed with the themes and now the base theme when I edit it, doesn't update both dark and light. So I guess I gotta add to both now.
  18. doughtz

    How to find Members?

    Click on the forums arrow and select "members"
  19. doughtz

    Thank you! This is how it was supposed to be implemented!

    Thank you! This is how it was supposed to be implemented!
  20. doughtz

    The bolding tool and others are not working for me.

    What device are you on? The bold and what not are working for me.