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  1. Z

    When should a guy start looking into dating?

    If you are happy, I’d focus on serving the Lord for now. Pray, and trust that God will find the right person for you. 1 Corinthians 7:32-33 (KJV) 32 But I would have you without carefulness. He that is unmarried careth for the things that belong to the Lord, how he may please the Lord: 33 But...
  2. Z


    When you are tempted, pray, think of how utterly useless the act of lusting is. What do you gain from it? A few moments of pleasure? Compare that to the eternal glory of heaven! Do nothing that you would not do if God were bodily present. Say nothing you would not like Him to hear. Go no place...
  3. Z


    Well, he could use F-word or darn or something like that to prevent himself from actually saying it, but even then, I’m not sure why he would be quoting someone who was swearing? There are times when you would have to say it as an example, to your children for instance to prevent them from...
  4. Z

    Don’t Have the Faith to Pray

    That is where you are wrong. You are currently going through trials in life. Imagine this: You throw tarnished and unpure gold into a fire, when you have taken the gold out of the fire, it is very beautiful. What do you think this means?
  5. Z

    Don’t Have the Faith to Pray

    Honestly, I haven’t ever listened to anyone else. (With the exception of CD’s that my Dad burned a long time ago) The people at SBN have, proper clothing, lights on (they don’t praise God in the dark where the devil abides), and generally good music & spirit filled messages. Oh, where do I...
  6. Z

    Don’t Have the Faith to Pray

    I realize this. Use him as an example. Please check out SBN - Sonlife Broadcasting Network
  7. Z

    Don’t Have the Faith to Pray

    Job miserably suffered for 7(?) years! He lost his family, his wealth (not that wealth is important), EVERYTHING! And he still remained faithful to God!
  8. Z

    Don’t Have the Faith to Pray

    I meant what verse
  9. Z

    Don’t Have the Faith to Pray

    Tell me where Job curses?
  10. Z

    The Acceptance Of Homosexuality, LGBT

    I have not read this thread, nor do I need to. My views on this topic are plain and simple. Homosexuality and anything other then male x female is unscriptural. Leviticus 20:13 - If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall...
  11. Z

    Don’t Have the Faith to Pray

    Well then, it wasn't the will of God that she would live. Take Job for example. Before the devil was allowed to tempt Job, he had to ask God for permission. Same with your daughter, God allowed it to happen. Nobody knows why, and despite that it is sad she is gone, by no means does that mean you...
  12. Z

    Don’t Have the Faith to Pray

    Hello @Questioning Brother! I am going to be quoting verses from the King James Version (KJV), because it is a direct translation of the Hebrew and Greek text, without adding or taking anything from the word of God. What are you praying for? In Philippians 4:6 it says: Be careful for nothing...