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    Blasphemous OCD

    Replying to each and every thought is what is going to drain you mentally every day. You need to get to a point where you no longer take ownership of those thoughts and where you identify them as coming from the demonic realm. These are thoughts that you do not want to have so its not...
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    Blasphemous OCD

    No problem thanks. My grandmother was involved in witchcraft or more accurately, she consulted with witch doctors and had rituals performed. I had to confess this to God and had to denounce it. After I did that my intrusive thoughts dropped from 90% to 10% I would say. By God's grace I met a...
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    OCD Unpardonable Sin Fear

    A lot of times, the Holy Spirit speaks to us through our inner voice/thoughts, guess what, so do Demons. The key is to distinguish, who is giving you the thoughts. If it's an unwanted thought, chances are these are coming from Satan and his demons, because you never wanted the thoughts in the...
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    I need so help. Christian with OCD.

    Hi Harley, A lot of people with Religious OCD attributed the root of their problem to a medical one which may have been true, however my Religious OCD was related to a spiritual problem. I had to confess a lot of generational sin that my ancestors were involved in, once I did this, I was set...
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    Blasphemous OCD

    Hi Serendipitious, Many Christians are affected by Religious OCD, you are definitely not alone. Some believe their condition is medical related, My experience indicated that the issue was spiritual. What worked for me was that I renounced a lot of generational sin. After I did this, my...
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    Blasphemous Thoughts -- do you ever feel like you choose to think them?

    Hi Zach, You mentioned you had some self deliverance in the past, Im interested to know how that went, the procedures, etc. Would be great to discuss it. I can share some of my experiences with blasphemous thoughts, etc and how I deal with it. I still get bad thoughts but only 15% compared...
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    Blasphemous Thoughts -- do you ever feel like you choose to think them?

    I would encourage you again to go before the Lord and to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you why you are getting these blasphemous thoughts to this extent, maybe do a fast and wait for the Lord to bring revelation. He might speak to you in through your dreams, books, videos or any method he...
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    Blasphemous Thoughts -- do you ever feel like you choose to think them?

    Hi Zach, You dont want to have these thoughts correct? God doesnt want you to have these thoughts correct? This means that the thoughts are not coming from God and not coming from you. These thoughts are being injected by the demonic kingdom to drain you mentally so you will give up serving...
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    Blasphemous Thoughts -- do you ever feel like you choose to think them?

    Im not saying that OCD is demonic in all instances but when 90% of negative thoughts are offensive anf blasphemous to God and preventing us from growing and being free in Christ, we shouldnt overlook the demonic realm as a potential source of the problem. God gave us a spirit of power and a...
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    Blasphemous Thoughts -- do you ever feel like you choose to think them?

    Eish that is hectic, I'm real sorry to hear. There definitely must be some legal right that has not been broken yet. You need to find out what it is. You can inbox me directly if you want to share any specific experience or have a question. I know what it is to go through these things, and don't...
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    Blasphemous Thoughts -- do you ever feel like you choose to think them?

    I think medically you should always check it out of a professional to rule out any medical related issues, however if the issue is spiritual which it sounds like, I would say you need to find out the root of why you are getting these thoughts. In my case the root of my issue was that my...
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    Blasphemous Thoughts -- do you ever feel like you choose to think them?

    With me, everytime I drew nearer to God or got breakthrough getting closer to God, the irational blasphemous negative thoughts would intensify. Do u find that when u drift from God u have more peace in your mind and when u draw near to God, the thoughts intensifies?
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    Blasphemous Thoughts -- do you ever feel like you choose to think them?

    I feel you brother Zachariah, for may years I struggled with blasphemous thoughts, doubts and unbelief, but It is possible to overcome it. God set me free, he can certainly do it for you. It is vital to remember that these thoughts coming in are not your own, but from them demonic kingdom to...
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    Help! Struggling on Intrusive Thoughts

    i Hi Wendel, I struggled with intrusive thoughts for over 10 years, and can say my mind is 90% at peace from complete Chaos. I've had blasphemous thoughts against God, doubted the very existing of God, thought i committed the unpardonable sin, all these things, but God set me free completely...