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  1. R

    Did David rape Bathsheba?

    Sounds fascinating; I guess marriage always has a transactional component in it (men without jobs usually are not very popular). But if the transaction component becomes the primary driver of the marriage that would be terrible, as self-centred reasons then will dominate. If a woman only wants...
  2. R

    The meanings of "elohim" from a dictionary

    My favourite translation of the concept of 'Elohim': 'powers that be' ... it is exactly that sense that the Hebrew seems to convey; higher powers, whether that is God, divine beings, or human judges. And thus the term can be used to refer to the one GOD, but the term and the concept are not...
  3. R

    The perpetual virginity of Mary

    I respect your position which became the dominant one after the Reformation. It's helpful however to realise that it wholly rests on the narrow interpretation of the Greek words for brother/sister to be mean only immediate full brother/sister, excluding the possibility of them being...
  4. R

    Someone please tell me if my frustration is legit

    Yes, your frustration is legit and understandable. Maybe you don't have the means to live on your own .. for now concentrate on being obedient to God, being a woman of faith .. and maybe in the meantime investigate what would make you a desirable and good wife to a potential husband. Be blessed.
  5. R

    Elohim being used as a proper name for YHWH.

    Although God's very personal name is of utmost importance, it is possible to pray even without using that name, Yeshua even gives us an example of that in the Lord's Prayer where the opening line just is: 'Our Father who is in heaven ... ' :praying:
  6. R

    The perpetual virginity of Mary

    There's a lot of apocryphal (and some of it possibly fictional) literature, but that does not explain why already very early (at least 2nd century CE) people held the belief of Mary's perpetual virginity. Whether people had or developed this belief, it would have been consistent at that time...
  7. R

    Elohim being used as a proper name for YHWH.

    You can use 'Elohim' to refer to YHWH, but 'Elohim' is not a name, it's a generic term to refer to God/gods/deities/human judges ... basically it's the semitic equivalent of the English phrase 'the powers that be' .. It's OK to use the word 'Elohim' just in the same way we may use the English...
  8. R

    25% of the females living in Palestine were named Mary at the time of Jesus.

    Isn't 25% of all Koreans named Kim now still? :)
  9. R

    The perpetual virginity of Mary

    It is actually interesting to study the history and development of the doctrine of Mary's perpetual virginity, and then try to understand why and how that happened ... Actually in the Early Church (+/- first 400 years) I personally don't know any Christian author who didn't believe in that...
  10. R

    Celibacy for Christ

    My book hint for you: Elizabeth Elliot - The Mark of a Man
  11. R

    Celibacy for Christ

    What you feed will grow, what you starve will die - nearly always true :) We can use that principle for any aspect of life. Be blessed Brother !
  12. R

    Celibacy for Christ

    In that case focus on how to be/become the best man possible in Gods eyes that might be suitable and attractive as a husband - how can you be her best option and thing that happened in her life? Don't focus on outwardly things I'd say. Ignore your 'bi' side in the sense you shouldn't dwell on...
  13. R

    Celibacy for Christ

    Forgive me my ignorance, but if you're bi, why not marry as I understand you're also attracted to women? Would that create other problems elsewhere?
  14. R

    Why Does the Bible Say So Much About Widows?

    I understand your concern, so indeed, you can opt for a single-sex group, or just a mixed one with the same rules as 'Griefshare', or just another idea: let everyone wear badges or clearly state what they're open to ... If you shy way from any social (mixed) event just because of the possible...
  15. R

    How wise was Solomon regarding his accumulation of horses, wives, and gold?

    Amen, maybe we suffer from the same - the love of money is the root of all evil Yeshua says, but don't we all work and strive to get stuff that gives some comfort (a house, a car, a holiday) .... when is enough enough? How many believers have a BMI index of more than 25 while we shouldn't turn...
  16. R

    Why Does the Bible Say So Much About Widows?

    Men interact quite different with one another than women (communication style), but in a mixed group there may be some interesting overlap; emotions on grief/adjustment may be similar; usually men like to help out and be useful so that is a bonus for practical stuff. Women on average are more...
  17. R

    Why Does the Bible Say So Much About Widows?

    In a typical Patriarchal society like the ones we find in the TNK/OT and New Covenant/NT writings widows had very few rights and were completely dependent on men for their well-being and possibly even survival, so in that sense it's understandable widows get proper attention in the Bible when it...
  18. R

    Has God failed in Asia?

    I'm very sorry to hear that - feel free to PM me.
  19. R

    Dutch woman, 29, granted euthanasia approval on grounds of mental suffering

    I understand what you're saying; as a believer with a European background I'm not against euthanasia per se in all circumstances - and I won't like to force my principles upon someone else. So in that regard on this issue I'm probably a more liberal believer than most in the USA, but I do make a...
  20. R

    Dutch woman, 29, granted euthanasia approval on grounds of mental suffering

    Correction; in Belgium teenagers will not obtain permission for euthanasia in case of only mental suffering, but only in case of unbearable physical suffering .. In Belgium just over 3% of all deaths are caused by euthanasia.