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  1. Humble_Disciple

    Louis Farrakhan on Jesus at the Million Man March

    Can you please explain why you are mentioning these things?
  2. Humble_Disciple

    Louis Farrakhan on Jesus at the Million Man March

    How would the Nation of Islam have profited from the Million Man March? Were they required by law to provide such a statement? Many religious organizations don't.
  3. Humble_Disciple

    Louis Farrakhan on Jesus at the Million Man March

    Isn't that show fake? Amish Mafia - Wikipedia
  4. Humble_Disciple

    Louis Farrakhan on Jesus at the Million Man March

    Why would she speak at the Million Man March, if that were the case?
  5. Humble_Disciple

    Louis Farrakhan on Jesus at the Million Man March

    Please don't get me wrong. I denounce violence and racism. I just so happen to also see the positive in Louis Farrakhan as a civil rights leader, especially in what he did by putting on the Million Man March, which had a positive impact on many people's lives.
  6. Humble_Disciple

    Louis Farrakhan on Jesus at the Million Man March

    If that were true, why did none of the newspapers imply it at the time and why was he never prosecuted?
  7. Humble_Disciple

    Louis Farrakhan on Jesus at the Million Man March

    Regardless of one's opinion on Louis Farrakhan, he's a musical genius:
  8. Humble_Disciple

    Louis Farrakhan on Jesus at the Million Man March

    The Koran is not a uniquely violent book, especially not compared to the Bible.
  9. Humble_Disciple

    Louis Farrakhan on Jesus at the Million Man March

    In the Old Testament, God commands the Israelites, on several occasions, to slaughter entire Gentile villages, including infant children. Peter, on the night of Jesus' betrayal, cuts the ear of a man with the very sword which, in Luke, Jesus told him to purchase. In Revelation, Jesus returns...
  10. Humble_Disciple

    Louis Farrakhan on Jesus at the Million Man March

    What Satan intends for evil, God can use for good: Genesis 50:20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. It would be very wrong to say that the Nation of Islam, in its extensive history, hasn't contributed anything...
  11. Humble_Disciple

    Louis Farrakhan on Jesus at the Million Man March

    Where is that taught in the Koran?
  12. Humble_Disciple

    Louis Farrakhan on Jesus at the Million Man March

    In his first interview with Phil Donahue, Louis Farrakhan answered the accusation of antisemitism, as well as other criticisms: Like the Old Testament prophets, he has a right to point out the hypocrisy of those who claim to be Jewish while violating God's law. If Farrakhan is a racist, then...
  13. Humble_Disciple

    Louis Farrakhan on Jesus at the Million Man March

    1 Corinthians 8:2-3 Anyone who claims to know all the answers doesn’t really know very much. But the person who loves God is the one whom God recognizes. James 4:12 There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor?
  14. Humble_Disciple

    Louis Farrakhan on Jesus at the Million Man March

    Malcolm X's wife spoke at the Million Man March.
  15. Humble_Disciple

    John Calvin: Not a Calvinist

    "The freedom of the Christian is not freedom to do what he or she wants but freedom to obey God—willingly, joyfully, naturally," John MacArthur. Also, in the words of Calvinist apologist Cornelius Van Til, "Sin did not take away from man any of the natural powers that God had given him."...
  16. Humble_Disciple

    Louis Farrakhan on Jesus at the Million Man March

    Has anyone ever wondered if the wild stuff the Nation of Islam teaches like there being a mother-ship and supporting Dianetics are just a troll so the media doesn't know what they are really all about?
  17. Humble_Disciple

    Louis Farrakhan on Jesus at the Million Man March

    Has Louis Farrakhan ever claimed to be in the place of Christ, which is the definition of an antichrist?