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  1. MBM888

    Why are most Christians so accepting of magic

    @Bible Highlighter , I'm not comfortable with our conversation any longer. It's clear that we're not going to agree about anything, and the conversation has run its course. I've said all I had to say, and I'm not interested in continuing debates here that have nothing to do with the original...
  2. MBM888

    Witches From Christian Homes

    Thank you for your insight! Information is definitely easier to access! But I also remember when cute, bright pink and purple Ouija boards were for sale in the toy section of Walmart and Toys-R-Us in the 80s and 90s. I always thought that was a little weird. I just wonder if people go...
  3. MBM888

    Why are most Christians so accepting of magic

    This is where we vastly disagree. Even scripture disagrees with this point. Jesus Himself, as well as His Disciples, went into people's homes who were labeled as sinners to eat with them, to fellowship with them, and to teach them. He healed the sick and fed the hungry if they asked...
  4. MBM888

    Why are most Christians so accepting of magic

    No, I don't, actually. I will, to the best of my ability, but need? No, no I do not. You want me to, but I don't need to. Especially since so many other people have already discussed these things with you, and a great many of them are severely off-topic. (I generally agree with others who...
  5. MBM888

    Witches From Christian Homes

    I searched and searched for this topic, but I couldn't find anything that really answered my question, so here it is. I've been researching witchcraft and Wicca a great deal lately. (Blame Covid and boredom.) What has surprised me is how many witches and Wiccans came from Christian...
  6. MBM888

    Why are most Christians so accepting of magic

    Ok, nipping this in the bud now, because I've finally gotten back to what we were discussing in the first place after going around the world. That's fine, and I completely understand. I'm not asking you to. You're more concerned about that than I am. We were discussing magic in fiction. I...
  7. MBM888

    Female Accountability Thread

    I always get that way right before 'Aunt Flo' visits. It's perfectly normal and healthy; it's just your body wanting to do what God designed it to do. I struggle with desire myself, even though I'm married. (I don't watch porn, though; my imagination is pretty intense, so...yep.) But, at...
  8. MBM888

    Former Missions. Now Uncomfortable.

    Does anyone who has been away from their home country for a long time feel like they have a hard time fitting back in to the home ministry, even several years - or even a decade or two - after? I don't feel like I ever got re-settled after being overseas for about three years. I miss my old...
  9. MBM888

    Minimum qualifications

    Hoo boy. Ok. Let's try to parse this out.. It honestly depends on who you ask, what denomination you're a part of, and what you mean by "qualified". Some churches require you to have certain degrees of education (Bachelor's, Master's, etc.), and some just want you to be able to speak well...
  10. MBM888

    Deliverance Ministries, Binding of Satan & Casting out Demons

    I was a part of the Churches of Christ (conservative, NOT Latter-Day Saints) for a long time, and they don't believe demons inhabit people today the same way they did in the NT times. As such, they don't believe in the need for exorcisms. For me personally, I have a lot of questions about...
  11. MBM888

    When do you buy games?

    Unfortunately, it's getting to be that way more and more. :/ I don't dare get excited about one anymore, because my heart's been broken too often. (Looking at you, Bethesda!) I don't know what the deal is with these big companies anymore. Maybe they've gotten too big for their britches.
  12. MBM888

    When do you buy games?

    My hubby is usually up on all the gaming deals throughout the year, so I feel like there's a constant influx of new or used games. (When I say "all the deals", I mean AAAAALL the deals! Best Buy, Gamestop, Ebay, Target...whatever! He's just really great with that sort of thing, and has his...
  13. MBM888

    Is it a sin to play games involving fictional gods? Owning merch pertaining to said fictional gods?

    Unless you're tempted to actually start worshipping those deities, no, it's not. :) My husband is a Christian and a gamer, and has been for years. We're also both collectors. (Seriously, it's become a problem. lol) Point is, we have statues and collector's items from so many different...
  14. MBM888

    Why are most Christians so accepting of magic

    It's not a matter of not wanting to help people. It's a matter of understanding the best way to help them. If you go up to a Wiccan, and tell them all the Biblical reasons you think they are wrong without even being willing to sit down and get to know them on a personal level, or what they...
  15. MBM888

    Why are most Christians so accepting of magic

    So, as a lady, I just want to say that there's lots of Christian dudes out there (and dudes of other, very demanding faiths) who are plagued by lust even without modern media. Apparently, us females just existing as we do can be enough. :headmassage: And it's super-irritating. It makes me...
  16. MBM888

    Why are most Christians so accepting of magic

    I'm not asking you to share your personal information here, so please don't feel like you have to. IMO, it depends on a few things: How old the person is, first of all. "A kid" for me, at this point, could mean anyone from just being born to roughly in their late 20s. Second, it depends on...
  17. MBM888

    Why are most Christians so accepting of magic

    I had a nice, long reply laid out, but honestly, I don't feel it will do either of us any good. Neither of us are going to change our viewpoints, and I feel like continuing this conversation would be similar to 'casting pearls before swine'. (What's more, I don't see how we can, if you're not...
  18. MBM888

    Why are most Christians so accepting of magic

    Quick question: Are you married? Do you or your spouse have hobbies that you enjoy? Are those hobbies directly related to the gospel in any way, shape, or form? More importantly, do you know any gamers or nerdy types? Also, you're basically asking me to ignore all the people I know IRL...
  19. MBM888

    Why are most Christians so accepting of magic

    I don't know what kind of D&D game your friends were running, but that is far, far from how almost all other games are run. (Sidenote: It's not just kids who play. A fair amount of adults play, and enjoy it...and know it has nothing to do with the real occult. I know conservative, very...
  20. MBM888

    A Question to all the Non Protestant High Churches

    I guess I understand that, kind of. But I don't know where the Bible verses come from to support the idea, and if the saints are "asleep", as the Bible describes, then how can they ask God for anything, or hear any requests?