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  1. Animelover93

    Is it a sin to touch without lust

    If masturbation is controlled, without porn or lustful thoughts, is it sinful? Yesterday i did without any of those things but felt fear afterwards because I don't know if I sinned or not. But I didn't have any immoral thoughts or watched pornography. I just did it to de stress myself in the...
  2. Animelover93

    Should I repent even if I don't feel sorry for what I've done?

    I recently committed a great sin but am afraid to repent of it. The reason why I am afraid is because in order for God to forgive you of your sin, you have to truly be sorry for committing that sin, which I'm not, then ask for forgiveness, which I haven't. The reason why I want to ask for...
  3. Animelover93

    What are the characteristics of a false convert?

    Would someone who didn't truly repent of their sins have the desire to serve the Lord? For instance, would they even care that when they sin it offends the Lord? And what are some of the signs of a false convert? Thanks!
  4. Animelover93

    Would a non Christian have the desire to follow God?

    Would someone who isn't saved find joy in going to church, hearing the preacher, and also have a deep desire to serve God? A friend of mine was wanting me to ask here. Thanks!
  5. Animelover93

    What does it mean to trust in God for salvation?

    How does one trust God for salvation? Like, what are the steps to trusting God for salvation? I'm having trouble understanding what it means. Because although I have a will to serve God and get closer to God, and though I've repented of my sins and believe, I don't know if I trusted God for my...
  6. Animelover93

    Please read, very important! Should I make this promise to God?

    I'm scared of going without because that's the addiction cycle. But I am now willing to break the cycle. But besides all of that, my question was should I make the promise to God. That's the only way I can stay on track because i've always kept my promises
  7. Animelover93

    Please read, very important! Should I make this promise to God?

    If you struggle with an eating disorder, you may not want to read this. I struggle with Binge Eating Disorder and it's absolutely taken over my life. It's a vicious cycle that I can't break out of. The only way I can really stick with recovery is making a promise to God that I will not give in...
  8. Animelover93

    Can someone who is not saved be anointed?

    Sorry if this is in the wrong thread, but I was wondering if someone who is not a Christian sings in church, can the members feel the holy spirit move while that person singing? When I go to church and hear the singing, I feel a peace come over me. I feel the holy spirit moving while the song is...
  9. Animelover93

    Please pray I can find a way to make money

    I have an intellectual disability and mental health problems that prevent me from being able to work, and I've been denied money from the government so many times. I need a way to make some money because I rely on my dad and I don't want to do that anymore. I'm grown and need to provide for him...
  10. Animelover93

    Is it a sin to be lazy?

    My whole life I've been spoiled and haven't done much of anything. My house is unclean, which I still live with my dad because he's sick, and I hardly do any housework like I should. I know that I need to help him but my depression causes me not to. So I'm trying to get out of the rut I'm in and...
  11. Animelover93

    Is it considered a sin for a Christian not to wear a mask or socially distance?

    I recently started a new church and noticed that no one there wears masks, or practices sociall distancing. I've been told by many Christians that God will not protect someone from Covid if they refuse to follow the CDC guidelines. I was told that you can have all the faith in the world that God...
  12. Animelover93

    We all know lying to someone is a sin, but what about lying to yourself?

    For instance, if someone says a lot of negative things about themselves, yet they know God thinks they are beautiful and perfect, would that be considered a sin?
  13. Animelover93

    Are dragons evil and should Christians avoid them?

    I am really fascinated in dragons and other forms of mythical creatures. I just find them beautiful. The thing I'm concerned about is that if they are viewed as evil in the bible? And should I avoid wearing a shirt with a dragon print on it or watch movies with them in it? Thanks
  14. Animelover93

    Should Christians wear skull shirts?

    I've been nervous about wearing skulls because I don't know if it is evil or not. I used to love all things dark and scary, but now I don't. I threw away my horror movie collection and violent video games. I don't even celebrate halloween anymore because I don't want to be influenced by things...
  15. Animelover93

    Ladies, I have a personal question about pornography

    Please don't judge me for asking this question, and I'm sorry if this is in the wrong category, but I was wondering if this is considered pornography or considered a sin? Um, ok, so if a woman records herself being sexual, but only with herself (masturbation), for personal usage only, without...
  16. Animelover93

    Ladies, I have a personal question

    Yes, I watched it online. Our church livestreams every service. I just have this fear that God is going to be mad at me if I don't go to church.
  17. Animelover93

    Ladies, I have a personal question

    This is going to sound really weird, but do you think God will be mad at me if I don't go to church due to my period?? It's not bad yet, but I'm really afraid it will be bad. Long story short. I'm 26 years old and have been on BC since I was 12 years old, due to fear of blood, and it stopped...
  18. Animelover93

    I'm afraid to pray. :( What should I do??

    Trigger Warning: Mention of self harm I'm absolutely terrified to pray because I'm afraid God won't answer it due to my prayer being too silly. I'm also afraid that I'm just using God as a genie to answer my every "wish". But that's not what I'm trying to do, but I'm afraid he will take it...
  19. Animelover93

    Is it bad to wear a crescent moon and star necklace??

    Sorry if this isn't in the right forum. I was just browsing through amazon in hopes of buying my niece an early birthday gift when I found a crescent moon with a star necklace. I know how much she loves stars, so I thought it would be perfect for her. The problem is, is that I don't know what...
  20. Animelover93

    I have a prayer request

    Someone I love very dearly is going through a lot of anxiety right now. Please pray he can get some sleep tonight and have peaceful dreams