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  1. BibleBeliever1611

    When two worldviews collide.

    They are certainly trying to conserve something that was common in the past - that's why they are called conservatives.
  2. BibleBeliever1611

    Please help me figure this out!

    You are just making things overly complicated. Could you not simplify all that into one sentence?
  3. BibleBeliever1611

    A troublesome verse for the Calvinist

    I have hard time understanding why anyone would not hate Calvinism. It is an evil and twisted doctrine.
  4. BibleBeliever1611

    A troublesome verse for the Calvinist

    Did you even read the verse you posted? It says clearly "lest at any time they should be converted" meaning that they can be converted unlike the Calvinist would want to believe.
  5. BibleBeliever1611

    A troublesome verse for the Calvinist

    Testominy to what? Are you saying you believe the earth is flat?
  6. BibleBeliever1611

    A troublesome verse for the Calvinist

    Person named Common Sense. Common sense again. There was a video where someone claimed that there's over 70 Bible verses which teach that the earth is flat. But of course that's just a deception to make you think the Bible teaches dumb and non-scientific stuff like that. If you claim that...
  7. BibleBeliever1611

    A troublesome verse for the Calvinist

    Whenever you have to bombard with over 10 Bible verses, it's a clear sign you don't know what you're talking about. You know you don't have any clear verse to prove your view, so you have to pull out so many verses or some wall of text to make it look like you're right. Maybe quote just one...
  8. BibleBeliever1611

    A troublesome verse for the Calvinist

    Now you are just twisting the verse. It didn't say according to his decree, it said according to his foreknowledge. Elect according to his foreknowledge just means that God knew all along that Peter would be saved. That's totally different than God choosing him to be elect.
  9. BibleBeliever1611

    A troublesome verse for the Calvinist

    Those verses are just shooting Calvinists to the foot. One of those verses say that the saved people are elect according to the foreknowledge of God, not according to God's choosing like Calvinists teach.
  10. BibleBeliever1611

    A troublesome verse for the Calvinist

    That God chooses which people are saved, making him a respecter of persons.
  11. BibleBeliever1611

    A troublesome verse for the Calvinist

    "Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:" - Acts 10:34 What this verse is saying is that God doesn't care what kind of person you are. As the proverb goes: red, yellow, black or white, we're all prcious in his sight. However, Calvinism...
  12. BibleBeliever1611

    How to become a Calvinist in 5 easy steps

    No, it's what you are saying. Unless you say God just rolls a dice and picks the elect randomly.
  13. BibleBeliever1611

    How to become a Calvinist in 5 easy steps

    If you are a humble person, God can lift you up and make you special. If you think you are nothing, God makes you more than nothing. If you think you don't deserve God's blessing, that actually makes you deserve it even more than someone else. Heaven is going to be full of special people, and...
  14. BibleBeliever1611

    How to become a Calvinist in 5 easy steps

    My point is that if God chooses you, and not some other person, then that makes you a better person than that other one. In Calvinism all the glory goes to you and zero gloy to God. That's my point and you don't seem to get it.
  15. BibleBeliever1611

    How to become a Calvinist in 5 easy steps

    What makes the Calvinist one of the elect? Why does he deserve to be the elect if he is also a sinner just like the people who are not saved?
  16. BibleBeliever1611

    How to become a Calvinist in 5 easy steps

    No, it is exactly right. A Calvinist is a person who doesn't even realize that he is just as much a sinner as a person who is not a Christian. You don't deserve a special priviledge to be the elect any more than any other sinner. You can only be saved by God's grace.
  17. BibleBeliever1611

    How to become a Calvinist in 5 easy steps

    Calvinism gives the greatest glory to yourself. You think you have a special priviledge to go to heaven that nobody else has. You think you are like an angel in heaven who has never sinned. Seeing yourself as better than other people. That's 100% glory to yourself, 0% glory to God.
  18. BibleBeliever1611

    God is Against Spanking Children (aka Child Abuse)

    Obviously beating is not the same as violence. Violence is when you slice a person with a sword, for example. Beating a child is not hurting him too much the human body is made to be durable.
  19. BibleBeliever1611

    "I'm afraid I lost my salvation"

    I've seen a lot of people saying all kinds of stuff like this. I'm afraid I lost my salvation. I'm afraid I'll go to hell. I'm afraid I committed the unpardonable sin. I'm afraid of this, I'm afraid of that, etc. But really what those people are doing is that they are elevating their own...
  20. BibleBeliever1611

    Some of Your Favorite Quotes

    Like sculpting a statue?