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  1. Here Kitty Kitty

    The Catholic Church is 'forgiving sins' for people with the coronavirus?

    No, no. Roman Catholics and Anglicans are not the same thing at all. Anglicans are Church of England, not members of the Roman Catholic Church. Although there is some overlap in belief as between all denominations, we don't share doctrines or rules. Anglican religious leaders like vicars can...
  2. Here Kitty Kitty

    Republican group launches anti-Trump ad aimed at evangelicals

    Well, I'm glad some American Christians have finally found their spines. It's a shame it's taken so long, though. I've never understood how Trump managed to get elected in the first place. The USA is a very religious country, more than here even though we are officially a Christian country...
  3. Here Kitty Kitty

    Donald Trump's Bungled Coronavirus Response

    I can't even tolerate watching news coverage of Trump, because he spends the entire time congratulating himself. I'm not really sure if he actually believes his performance has been satisfactory or if he thinks endless bragging will convince people it was, but it's really uncomfortable. I also...
  4. Here Kitty Kitty

    Attacks on Greta Thunberg Come from a Coordinated Network of Climate Change Deniers

    I find the climate change deniers and anti-vax people frightening. In some cases, you can tell they never had access to high-quality science education and can't help not understanding the situation, but some of their group were educated and should definitely know better. The doctor whose shoddy...
  5. Here Kitty Kitty

    There’s a New Potential Risk Group for Spreading the Coronavirus. It’s not old folks or millennials.

    I've been very cautious since the beginning, but I have heard a lot of friends say they aren't worried because COVID-19 won't affect them due to their age. That's incredibly scary to hear because yes it can affect us just as it affects older people. It also hurts because it makes them sound as...
  6. Here Kitty Kitty

    New here

    Hi. I'm new here but I've read the forums for awhile. I guess I'm here to learn and come to a decision about what I really believe. I've been given a lot of contradictory messages about religion my whole life. It's left me sort of confused and not sure if I'm on the right path. I hope I can...
  7. Here Kitty Kitty

    FDA gives emergency approval to Hydroxychloroquine & Chloroquine to treat COVID-19

    I hope it works! It's scary not to have medical testing done beforehand, but we can't really wait when it's coming down to death without treatment.