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  1. f1ndingfaith

    Counting My Blessings In The Midst of Chaos of COVID-19

    I will pray for the cocaine anonymous group that met in your Church- whom have been supporting one another, and giving each other strength to continue on the path of sobriety. I do not blame you at all, for fearing them losing their sobriety. If I may ask, does your church have an email list or...
  2. f1ndingfaith

    Counting My Blessings In The Midst of Chaos of COVID-19

    I am not going to be the one who claims to have all the answers- because I don't. No one on this earth does. I want you to know from my own experience (which differs from everyone else, because no one is the same person. Everyone is different- everyone is unique.) That being said... I want you...
  3. f1ndingfaith

    Counting My Blessings In The Midst of Chaos of COVID-19

    Good morning everyone! It is in the early morning hours I am writing this. I know for certain that God is encouraging to me make this post. I hope you all are safe, and to those who are struggling with their mental, emotional and physical health during this difficult time; please know that you...
  4. f1ndingfaith

    Need help with anxiety and scrupulosity

    Know that you are not alone. Just know that God loves you as he does love all his children. If you have anxiety watching that individuals teachings, may I suggest to you to read Psalm 23? It is personally my favorite Psalm, as it helps aide my anxiety at times I struggle, as well as deepen my...
  5. f1ndingfaith


    It pains me heavily that you hurting. That you are hurting so much to the point where, there is hatred starting to fill your heart. I know that I am a mere stranger to you, but I want you to know- that I too was angry at God before. Many people on this earth struggle with their Faith, many...
  6. f1ndingfaith

    What bible translation works best for you?

    The bible version I read and love is my ESV. It is also because it holds sentimental value, as it is my first Bible that my grandmother gave me. However, my other go to choice is the King James Version. My grandma loved KJV and I am fond of it as well. :angel:
  7. f1ndingfaith

    Thankful I am no longer straying away from my Faith

    Hello everyone! :wave:I hope you all are having a wonderful day/night, wherever you are in the world. It is currently 6:45 am for me MST while I write this. I am awake pretty early but I do not find that to be a bad thing, I did have a good sleep after all. In fact I am glad I am up early so...
  8. f1ndingfaith

    Christian|Husband|Father|Youtuber|Metalhead - Nice to meet you

    Welcome to CF, Chris! I just joined the forum myself not too long ago. I finally made an introduction post today. ♥ I love music too, and I am a fan of metal! (some it really depends on the artist for me.) I am interested in your Youtube channel and will be sure to check it out sometime today...
  9. f1ndingfaith

    Picking up the pieces & rebuilding my Faith (Introduction post)

    Greetings to you all! ♥ My name is Kailey, I am twenty years old and I am from AB,Canada. I thought for my introduction post, I would share my story and what lead me to this forum. From the tender age of four years old, I knew one thing for certain- that I believed in Jesus Christ. My Faith and...