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  1. Marumorose

    The Black Adam movie

    Download the Black Adam movie here: Tell us what you think about it
  2. Marumorose

    what is the function of the soul?

    Hello Everyone We all know, Christians and non-Christians that we have a soul but what is a soul? Why do we need it? What is the purpose of the soul? Is the soul an actual body or not? How is the soul influencing us? what is the difference between soul and spirit? May God Bless You
  3. Marumorose

    Like attracts like

    We attract what we love. f we love violent movies, games and sports then we will attract violence in our lives. The Universe gives us what we LOVE. What do you think?
  4. Marumorose

    Why would the devil care if some get saved?

    A spiritually reborn soul can destroy more power than 10000 demons with just a look! He knows that he is powerless against them. May God Bless You.
  5. Marumorose

    Prayer needed...

    We ask in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that may the power of God be sent to these children so that they receive healing and may the angels protect them and drive away the evil spirits. May God forgive them for their sins and their past mistakes. May God bless their families and give them...
  6. Marumorose

    What's on your mind?

    What is coming in 2023. I am worried. May God Bless You
  7. Marumorose

    Missing pages from one's bible

    May God May God Bless You. I downloaded the KJVA bible app with 84 books and the lost books app! I am seeking the Truth! The more you read the more wisdom of God you get
  8. Marumorose

    How Does Jesus Save?

    Jesus saves us by bringing the Truth into our hearts and teach us about who we are and who God is. Right now we are blind and we are taught a false doctrine and we end up in hell because we DO NOT know the TRUTH of God. May God Bless You
  9. Marumorose

    Why are Christians against marijuana? Health reasons?

    May God Bless you. Evil spirits can manifest in a form of smoke. Because we are full of sins, it is better not to invite those spirits in our minds and influence us.
  10. Marumorose

    If everyone in heaven is royalty, then nobody is

    May God Bless You. Heaven is NOT one big place. It is divided into levels. First heaven if for the souls that barely made it to heaven and the seventh heaven is for royalty. Someone like Mother Theresa would be at the higher level!
  11. Marumorose

    30s & Never Dated

    May God Bless You. My brother understand that dating is a sin. You cannot ask God to give you a girlfriend. God can only give you a wife. The fact that you never dated means God wants you to live a righteous life. The same thing happened to me. I never dated because God did not want me to date...
  12. Marumorose

    Are there limits to what healing we can receive?

    May God Bless You. Diseases are caused by our own sins. You have to redeem your sins through pain and suffering, so that you can learn/fix/rectify your past mistakes. If you do not get healed when you pray is because your sin is not yet removed/redeemed or you have not yet recognised that you...
  13. Marumorose

    How do I get started?

    May God Bless You and I will pray for you. Pray to God to give you direction on what to do next and be patient that you will receive an answer
  14. Marumorose

    Church used to quote OT for tithe offering

    May God Bless You. We have to give or donate to keep the church organised and in order and to help each other. The problem is when the money is mismanaged.
  15. Marumorose

    I'm starting to change my mind about the End Times (help!)

    May God Bless You. Understand that Jesus Christ will come to us invidually and spiritually. We will not see him coming in a cloud physically but spiritually. And he will baptize us with the fire and Holy Spirit Matthew 24:42-43 says "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your...
  16. Marumorose

    Commonwealth games ceremony demonic

    The commonwealth games was an introduction to the Antichrist era. That bull represent the devil. What do you think?
  17. Marumorose

    Prayer requests post here!

    My name is Rosina. My goal is to help the poor people in Africa and i need prayers for my brothers and sisters so that God can give me financial support that i need and give me the opportunity to serve the people! Amen
  18. Marumorose

    What Does the Bible Say About Marrying a Muslim?

    May God Bless You. The truth is Christianity is above ALL religions. Islamic faith also belong to God just like other religions. The bible is teaching us that we are all body parts of Jesus Christ but Christianity is above all. If you want to leave Christianity for Islamic faith, that is not a...
  19. Marumorose

    At least 146 dead, 150 injured in Halloween stampede in Seoul - Urgent Prayers

    May Their souls rest in peace. I will be praying at 12 midnight too May God Bless you
  20. Marumorose

    "Repent of your sins to be saved" is false, works salvation

    Repentance is the beginning of salvation. Like you said, repent means change of mind. We first need to change the way we think and then start the process of changing our action(the way we live). Loving and believing in God is not good enough. You have to obey him and follow his teachings . May...