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  1. the last child

    Hobbies and Leisure-Time Activities

    Interesting mix of authors... what religions are you into?
  2. the last child

    Hobbies and Leisure-Time Activities

    I really wish I understood math <heavy sigh>
  3. the last child

    Women, careers, and babies

    She makes an interesting point. How does a family with a single child and younger parents, isolated from family, compare to a child with much older parents (20+ year gap)? She is right, there are many families with younger parents that have little or no contact with their relatives. I’m not sure...
  4. the last child

    Women, careers, and babies

    This is true...very little attention has been paid to the affects of the age of older fathers (with regards to health issues or the psychological impact) because it was assumed there was none. However recent studies have shown that as men age, there is an increased risk of passing de novo...
  5. the last child

    Women, careers, and babies

    Wow thank u guys for sharing! Lots of good points all around. It’s true that no one can truly empathize with the emotional hardships of any given persons life without having “walked a mile” in their proverbial shoes. I know all too well what it is like to be judged unfairly based on appearances...
  6. the last child

    Women, careers, and babies

    How old were the children?
  7. the last child

    Women, careers, and babies

    Wow. I’m glad he lived long enough to see your wedding! That must have been hard.
  8. the last child

    Women, careers, and babies

    I’m not good at math, but I’m assuming his father is dead? How old was he when he died? The loss of a parent for those 20-30 years that children who are conceived at a relatively young age traditionally have with their parents would be significant.
  9. the last child

    Women, careers, and babies

    That’s interesting. I wonder what the policy is for adoption agencies with regards to the adopter’s age, and if it is regulated by any state laws or federal laws or if it varies by agency. And if it is up to the agency, I wonder what their criteria is for making their age limit.
  10. the last child

    Women, careers, and babies

    So if you had an older female friend who was wanting to have children, what would you say to her? The female maternal instinct is very strong, and the emotions that come with it can be devastating. When I had my son, I had to have a C-section because he was so big, and I was so small. The...
  11. the last child

    Make Women Slaves Again

    I could just study Scripture for days. There is so much to learn! Thank you Dave!
  12. the last child

    Women, careers, and babies

    One of my best friend's sister-in-law had a successful career. Her husband was 70 and she was 50. She decided she wanted a baby. So they went to a clinic, and she got pregnant with twins. One died midterm. The other was born healthy. I was really disturbed about this because of her age. And the...
  13. the last child

    Some Thoughts: Is The Pursuit Of Joy Required For Salvation And Obedience To Jesus?

    I do not believe that emotions—not even the emotion of joy—is to be the object of our pursuit of God. The Bible is clear that the heart—the seat of our emotional being—is desperately wicked and “sick.” Our emotions are shaped by our experiences in life—our past experiences. How one person...
  14. the last child

    Please Bring Cookies...

    Just some thoughts on various topics. I love Jesus. I love people and children. Notice children are not people. They are a special separate species. I love people's stories, especially the "whys" behind their present day pictures. I love studying Scripture and connecting dots of knowledge...
  15. the last child

    Is being vegan healthy?

    well, that is not necessarily true because vegetables and plants are not considered "alive" in the same sense that animals and humans are. As I heard one person put it, they do not have the "breath of life" in them. Whether that is what the distinction is or not I don't know, but I do know that...
  16. the last child

    Dealing with Christian Persecution that is Secretive and Psychological Torture using Mind Games

    But how is wearing the same color gym clothes psychological torture?
  17. the last child

    Matthew 23:37

    Although God explicitly attributes the male gender to Himself, both males and females were created in God’s image, according to Genesis. And all throughout Scripture there are verses in which God is described with both male and female attributes (characteristics). I believe that the union...