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  1. W

    Looking for stories of people who doubted their salvation

    But how can I know if I love believers? I like them, I like their company, but love? Agape love? That hasn’t been tested to the point of great sacrifice-and I don’t know what other than a great sacrifice can show love beyond a doubt. I’ve seen that video; I’ve been looking into this for quite...
  2. W

    Looking for stories of people who doubted their salvation

    And I have read about Martin Luther, Charles Spurgeon, and John Bunyan’s stories, although I’m not quite clear on the details of Spurgeon’s.
  3. W

    Looking for stories of people who doubted their salvation

    I have problems with not being sure if I am saved. I have asked for advice for this on another thread, but something I would really like is to hear how God has rescued others from the same place. Have you had problems doubting if you were saved? Do you know someone who has struggled with that...
  4. W

    Doubts of salvation coupled with inability to clearly believe

    Would you mind telling me more? Hearing how God helped someone else with my problem could be really helpful for me, and lines up with what Paul said about how God “comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” (Part...
  5. W

    Doubts of salvation coupled with inability to clearly believe

    I know! But it’s being actually confident in Him for salvation through His dying for my sins that’s so difficult. Maybe it’s weak faith, maybe it’s a wall of unbelief, and I don’t know how to tell the difference, or if there IS a difference.
  6. W

    Doubts of salvation coupled with inability to clearly believe

    Thank you for the advice; it feels like I’ve heard a lot of what people are saying before, but it is always important to be encouraged to leave sin, even the millionth time. I’m going to counseling already, with a Christian. I’m not sure how to get a grip on step two; how should I go about it...
  7. W

    Doubts of salvation coupled with inability to clearly believe

    My understanding of salvation is that to believe in Jesus is to look to Him and trust in Him for salvation, essentially. I had been a false convert for 2/3rds of a year, thinking I knew the Gospel and was saved, but I had twisted it in my mind, and fell into secret sin of a magnitude that I...
  8. W

    I'm very dizzy

    Stop buying it. Cut yourself off. It might be a pain at first, but it will help you. Don’t think about willpower not to use it, just don’t put in the effort to buy it.
  9. W

    Need some prayer warriors please

    In 1 Kings 13 is a story of a man of God who was told not to eat bread or drink water. He was told by an old prophet that an angel had come to him, and told him that he was to give the man of God bread and water. The prophet was lying. The man ate the bread and drank the water, and was then...
  10. W

    What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

    Yes! And faith is only seeing that and trusting Him for it! The importance of it being faith THROUGH which we’re saved is that it’s leaning only on Jesus that characterizes faith-and an understanding of Abraham believing in God and being credited as righteous is important for those times when...
  11. W

    What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

    Read Galatians, and make sure you understand what it says about the covenant between God and Abraham, so you’re certain that the faith Abraham had and nothing else is required to be counted righteous. That book clears out all confusions about whether anything more is required, as long as you...
  12. W

    A,B, C of Bible people (4)

  13. W

    Is Prayer Necessary For Salvation?

    Cornelius was saved without praying a prayer for it in Acts 10-it was at faith, not at any action of his. Faith is looking to Jesus and trusting in Him alone, not performing an action and declaring that because we did that, God saved us. The only requirement for salvation is Jesus, and when...
  14. W

    If theistic evolution, how did animals die before humans existed?

    If it is only a spiritual death that is brought on by sin, how did Jesus’s physical death pay the price we would pay by spiritual death? Also, why was sin in the Old Testament often punished with physical death? And why did average physical lifespans gradually decrease from Adam onward?
  15. W

    If theistic evolution, how did animals die before humans existed?

    On what reasoning do you say death is the natural course?
  16. W

    Traditional Theology Census

    Reformed Baptist by theology, but non-denominational by actual church membership, since I go to a non-denominational church (with Baptist theology) Blech, that’s a lot of words. I believe Jesus saves people by grace through faith, and come from a church that believes the same. That’s what matters.
  17. W

    If theistic evolution, how did animals die before humans existed?

    Death exists because of sin. Death came into the world through Adam, according to Romans-through one transgression, no less. If theistic evolution is true, animals died before Adam was born. What sin lead to their death? My understanding is that all death is caused by sin. Is there an...
  18. W

    Romans 6 is a perfect example of missing critical truth!

    Edit: I thought this thread was much shorter; this was a response to a much earlier post.
  19. W

    The Reprobate Doctrine

    There were homosexuals who came to Christ, right? Paul listed several sins, including homosexuality, in 1 Corinthians, I think, and said “such were some of you”, but they had been washed and sanctified. Now, there are certain things such as in Hebrews 6 and 10 that put people beyond salvation...
  20. W

    I'm spiritually burned out and feel like I'll end up in hell no matter what.

    Hebrews 11:6: And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him Must we believe something untrue? No, everything we must believe about God is true. Romans 4:5: However, to the one who does not work...