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  1. Jags

    Please pray for my bad habits and addictions.

    Hello there, I recently have a bad addiction and habit one of those habits is not being able to stop blinking and that is hurting my eyes. my bad addiction is watching porn. Please pray for my habit to go away and so i stop watching porn. I have been battling to stop watching porn for a while...
  2. Jags

    Shooting Games.

    Hello there, I recently have been interested in Shooting game / Apocalypse games. I was wondering if i was to play these games would i commit a sin?
  3. Jags

    What would you say about this game?

    Just want some opinions on if this game would be fine to play lol
  4. Jags

    is it a sin to watch scary movies with ghosts?

    I just noticed that i didn't word this thread correctly lol. I meant watching movies with ghosts in them etc
  5. Jags

    Would it be a sin to download games for free that are not free?

    Nah man not into any consoles and don't plan on playing video games in the upcoming yrs lol i did this in the past and just wanted to know if it was a sin to continue this
  6. Jags

    Would it be a sin to download games for free that are not free?

    I Found a website that has many games that are paid on steam would it be a sin to download them and play them for free?
  7. Jags

    Please pray so that i do not get addicted to masturbation again.

    Yes it sorta does i kept telling my self why did i do that with guilt.
  8. Jags

    Please pray so that i do not get addicted to masturbation again.

    I will try my best to beat this sin i'v quit masturbation a while back but now i have temptations again to touch
  9. Jags

    Please pray so that i do not get addicted to masturbation again.

    I feel major regret for what i did today and that was masturbation i have been struggling with sexual thoughts for over a year now. Recently I keep getting tempted to watch porn again / touch and i did touch. Please pray that i do not get addicted to masturbation again.
  10. Jags

    is it a sin to watch scary movies with ghosts?

    Was wondering if its a sin to watch scary movies with ghosts etc?
  11. Jags

    Is this considered a sin?

    I Don't really know what section i should post it so i'l post it here. Today been a rough day for me I just been thinking about sexual stuff all day today and cannot get it out of my head. So for some reason i decided to go look at some underwear stuff and after that did i commit lust or any...
  12. Jags

    Please pray for my sexual addiction

    I used to watch a lot of porn etc I just want prayers so my addiction goes away.
  13. Jags

    Is It a Sin to Shave Your Pubic Hair?

    I was wondering if its a sin to trim your pubic hair?
  14. Jags

    Did i commit a sin during this?

    In my dream yes.
  15. Jags

    Did i commit a sin during this?

    So earlier today i was sleeping when i started to dream about a sexual dream, then i wake up to being [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse] did i commit a sin dreaming about that?
  16. Jags

    Is lying on surveys a sin?

    so it would be fine if i put a different address instead of mine?
  17. Jags

    Is lying on surveys a sin?

    I know that lying is a sin but is it fine to put fake information on surveys as i use a site to get points on a certain item to claim items but don't want to put my real information out is it fine to do this?
  18. Jags

    is this considered cheating?

    I am allowed to look at it and its actually suggested that i do look at what i got wrong by my teachers.
  19. Jags

    is this considered cheating?

    Iv been told that cheating is a sin on school tests etc. and i'm online school and my school has quizes sometimes that are 3 questions and where you can easily see the answers in the review tab and redo the quiz with those answers and get it right is this considered cheating?